Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Bulldog Has Black Spots

The minority wants to read ... Others know

bound or paperback?

usually a paperback book. Unless the book is too new and the appeal to read it, too large, then of course, a bound book.

Amazon or bookstore?

Increasingly Amazon. However, it is not about to spend hours browsing in a bookstore for books - so if it offers itself, then of course the book trade!

Bookmark or dog-ear?

on holiday usually the dog's ear (Of course only in his own books). However, with disordered never bound books ;-)

Order by author, title, or?

Classified by subject and bound / unbound.

hold, sell or throw away?


short story or novel?

most novel. Sometimes non-fiction.

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?

I admit: neither.

Now or used?

Now .

seller list, review, recommendation or browse?

prefer recommendations. Then of course browse and sometimes reviews.

Closed End or Cliffhanger?

contact with the end!

morning read, noon or night?

most evenings, sometimes on weekends during the day, on vacation ;-) constantly

favorite book of last year?

The "Until ..." Series. .... or was already in the year before ...?

What book are you reading now?

ruby \u200b\u200b

absolute favorite book of all time?

hmm .... pondering .... The Up Series ...- is certainly one to, but then also
Wild Swans , Kite Runner, etc.


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