Saturday, August 5, 2006

How Much Tequila Do You Add To A Margarita Bucket

What is a compound word?

In linguistics, a word that consists of several independent force of words, a new word by combining two or more word stems to form a unit. One possibility for the formation of compounds that the word formation process leads to a word that has two auto semantic word stems (includes flexion and concrete). A distinction between pure composition and combination of both, Reduktionskomposita (Part 1 reduced, shorter stems) stems and bound (2nd part shortened in strains not only occur)

plural: a composite

Link: compound - Wikipedia , composition (grammar) - Wikipedia

Monday, July 31, 2006

Causes Of Stomach Burning

What is Sufism? (Sufi)

Sufism (including Sufism or Sufik) is generally regarded as Islamic mysticism. Followers of Sufism do not see their teaching as a spiritual product of the Islamic religion, but it reveals only the esoteric truth of Islam. The Sufi doctrine as such, runs like a thread through all of human history and is and was everywhere at all times and in every culture in various aspects.

called a follower of Sufism, Sufi or dervish you.

Link: Sufism - Wikipedia

At this point you can already see that Sufism is an extremely widespread and also much-discussed area. Sufism is the most important mystical movement within Islam, and it has since its formation in 7th Century, the various schools and teachings that relate to the various founders of this mysticism is given. Sufi brotherhoods in the north Caucasus (Julia Schmidt)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

New Virus That Has A Crick In Your Neck

could Viamatic foXpose gives Firefox an overview

von Percy Cabello

Die von Vivek Jishtu entwickelte Erweiterung Viamatic foXpose , die gerade beim Firefox- Erweiterungswettbewerb gewonnen hat, ist für Firefox das, was Exposé für Apple MacOS X ist, nämlich eine einfache Möglichkeit, alle Webseiten, die man gerade besucht, auf einen Blick anzeigen zu lassen. Die Erweiterung integriert ein Icon in die Statuszeile, mit dem man durch einen Klick eine Schnellübersicht sämtlicher Tabs aufrufen kann. Ein Klick auf ein beliebiges Vorschaufenster führt dann zum gewünschten Tab.

In den Einstellungen lässt sich unter anderem ein schwarz-weißer Hintergrund wählen or specify a keyboard shortcut. You can also set whether the foXpose page a new tab is opened. It can also integrate a button in the toolbar. If you want to hide the status bar, you can position this function at the top of the screen.

Of all the similar extensions which allow for this function already exist (TabView and Reveal are also well done) foXpose convinced by its simplicity. I would hope that there is an option to integrate the foXpose icon in the tab bar, where it hinpasst better. Moreover, one could then have by right-clicking a list of all open tabs.

I can highly recommend this extension.

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Papprazzi Camera Lens

downloads easily manage

by Percy Cabello

If you manage your downloads in a simpler way? The Download Statusbar has been developed by Devon Jensen Firefox extension that allows users to integrate the download management in the status bar.

Once the extension is installed, the download manager is disabled at the start of a download. There are two options: In the full mode is at the bottom for each download their own status bar set up with progress. Using a context menu for each individual download can rename or delete the files, or open. You can copy, also view the übergeordenten folder, or URL.

In mini mode, an additional icon will be integrated in the status bar. The progress bar will be time when you click on the icon.

The colors of the progress bar can be configured so that one can estimate the download speed slightly. You can specify, among other things, what information about each download to appear, and name an antivirus program to be started after successful download.

Overall it is a nifty tool that the functionality of Firefox using an intuitive and easy to understand interface extended. My only suggestion would be to use the icon of the download manager of Firefox, so that the extension fits seamlessly in the Firefox environment, and also use the mini-mode default.

Friday, March 3, 2006

Gallbladder Attack Confused With Stomach Virus

stand firm winner of the enlargement competition for Firefox

by Percy Cabello

The Mozilla Corporation has announced the winners of the Extend Firefox competition announced a contest, were motivated by the Mozilla Entwicklicker to write extensions for Firefox and update.
Each of them gets a Alienware Aurora 7500 Firefox Edition PC and a Firefox 1.5 winning package that consists of T-shirt, baseball cap and a laptop bag.
Jeder von ihnen bekommt einen Apple iPod Nano , einen $250 Geschenkgutschein von O'Reilly-Büchern , und ein Firefox 1.5 Gewinnerpaket, das aus T-Shirt, Baseball-Cap, and einer Laptop-Tasche besteht.

Sämtliche Details finden sich im Mozilla Developer Center . Glückwunsch allen Gewinnern und der Mozilla Corporation.

Cervical Mucus For 2 Weeks

Firefox is the best browser and creates market share

von Percy Cabello

NetApplications , ein Anbieter webbasierter Anwendungen, der kleine und mittlere Unternehmen untersucht, hat heute seine neuste Statistik veröffentlicht, nach der der Marktanteil für Firefox im Februar auf 9,75% gestiegen ist. Firefox is therefore on track to exceed the 10% mark.

A survey, which was attended by visitors to the site of NetApplications about browser market share showed that over 50% of the respondents regard as the best available Firefox browser.

The full report can be read at .

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Card Wording - Lost A Baby

OwnArea your settings on the move

by Percy Cabello

last Saturday has Glaxstar , a company that applications for products with Mozilla technology, provides a first beta version of OwnArea released a free extension that allows Firefox their users Lesezeichen und Toolbar-Einstellungen mitnehmen können. Dies gilt ebenso für Erweiterungen wie etwa einzelnen Schaltflächen zum Schließen von Tabs, einer in der Breite veränderbaren Suchleiste und dem Wiederherstellen bereits geschlossener Tabs. Funktionen also, die Firefox 2.0 erst Mitte des Jahres bieten wird.

Um OwnArea nutzen zu können, benötigen Sie ein Benutzerkonto bei Glaxstar . Es werden drei Optionen angeboten: die Personal -Variante, die kostenlos ist und lediglich Platz zur Speicherung Ihrer Einstellungen und Lesezeichen bietet. Desweiteren gibt es die Protected -Variante ($45 im Jahr, 14-Tage kostenloser Test). Sie gibt Eltern die Möglichkeit, to determine which websites can open up their children by allowing them to explicitly allow or deny access to each. A school version is available from 14 Available in March and is intended (as the name implies) for access to schools.

I have tried expanding the menu and felt a little slow for the transfer of bookmarks and some settings were already in the bookmarks menu to find and unnecessary. In addition, the live bookmarks have not been read correctly, was that my feeds folder empty. In the final version of these problems will be resolved well. The bookmark management goes well, and some users could the new tabbed browsing features fallen, so stand before Firefox 2.0.

I even stay at first Foxmarks to be on my bookmarks from anywhere can access when the final version is released, I look at the extension but to love again.

Friday, February 24, 2006

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OpenWengo extension for Firefox

by Percy Cabello

Daniel Glazman of Disruptive Innovations recently the availability of a beta version of WengoPhone announced for Firefox. WengoPhone is an open source application for text, audio and video conferences of OpenWengo , an open source project of the French was telecom company Wengo (a subsidiary of Neuf Cegetel) was developed. OpenWengo enables phone calls over Internet (VoIP) SIP guaranteed standard and ensuring compatibility with other vendors that use the same protocol. usual

As with VoIP technology can Wengo users talk for free over the Internet and also call traditional phones (landline as mobile), and this at very attractive prices when they are at Wengo so-called call-out credit. A fare comparison shows that Wengo (also known as soft-phones), compared with Skype, the current top dog in VoIP applications, an attractive offer.

The Firefox Extension (version 0.68) is available as a 1.5MB download for Windows and MacOS X and requires no additional components. A new button is then integrated into the toolbar. When they are pressed, opens the Wengo Phone Sidebar. The user can then connect to Wengo and set up an account. In the sidebar, a list of contacts is integrated, which unfortunately is not stored on servers Wengo, but locally the Firefox user profile. It is therefore advisable to make a backup copy from his profile folder (in particular the Wengo folder).

WengoPhone is to install a credit of 0.20 € available, so you can enhance speech für seine Lieblings-Zielrufnummer testen. Um ein herkömmliches Telefon anzurufen, geben Sie die Nummer so ein: 00[Landesvorwahl][Ortsvorwahl][Rufnummer].

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

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Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Firefox users requesting

von Percy Cabello

Am 14. Februar hat Microsoft eine Sicherheitslücke im Windows Mediaplayer-Plugin für nicht-Microsoft-Browser bekannt gegeben, mit deren Hilfe ein Hacker in einem ungeschützten System bösartigen Programmcode von außen gesteuert laufen lassen könnte. Die Sicherheitslücke betrifft Windows 2000, XP und 2003 und hängt damit zusammen, wie das Windows Mediaplayer-Plugin den notwendigen Programmcode verarbeitet (das embed - Element).

Um Ihr System to protect, use a Windows update before. While in Start menu, point to All Programs and then Microsoft Update .

How To Change Lens For Diana

What open source products you use to?

by Percy Cabello

Firefox may be the most popular desktop application from the open source world, there is provide a whole range of other products that provide valuable functionality. For me personally, Gaim and are 7-Zip standard applications on my computer. What are yours? Let us know in our latest poll, and should not be listed, drop us a comment.

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Camino 1.0 is out

von Percy Cabello

Nach einem Jahr, das mit Veröffentlichungen nur so strotzte , hat das Camino-Projekt nun Camino 1.0 veröffentlicht, einen auf Gecko basierenden Browser speziell für MacOS X, der dank Universal Binary-Code auf PowerPCs und auf Intel-Prozessoren läuft.

Unter anderem bietet die Finalversion folgende Funktionen:
  • Universal Binary - Camino steht nun als Universal Binary zur Verfügung, läuft also ebenso auf Macs mit PowerPC- wie mit Intelprozessoren.
  • Neue Tableiste - die neue Tableiste bietet eine better user experience.
  • pause / resume function in the Download Manager - The download manager now supports pause / resume function and was extremely optimized for performance and modified.
  • off of disturbing content - The integrated Block pop-ups and advertising you have to grapple not with the things that annoy you the most.
  • Certificate Support - New support for certificates ensures greater security.
  • Plug-In for Java integration - JEP Java performance improved significantly.
  • filling out forms Use the Address Book - this feature makes it easier to fill out forms clearly.
  • Look in the Chronicle - the discovery in the past visited Web pages is now made through the integrated search function in the Chronicle manager easier.
  • support of other Web standards - Thanks to the Gecko display module Camino now supports SVG, the canvas parameters and JavaScript 1.6. Also, support for CSS 2 and CSS 3 has been improved.
Firefox users, the Camino's friends probably envy manage to pause / resume function in the Download Manager. Congratulations to the Camino team for this important Final.

Funny Saying For Rsvp

way the toolbar negligible

by Percy Cabello

I the new beta version of Internet Explorer have been tested seven times a bit, and although I miss the comfort and safety features of Firefox in any case, I have convinced some improvements already, such as, that the menu bar, which are the majority of menu items is hidden by default. So I've tried

that get added in Firefox too, and found that the Chris Neale developed Compact Menu IT CAN some annoying menu items disappear wonderfully, creating space on the screen.

The current Version is not yet on available, you have to look at the website of the extension. The only difference that I noticed over the previous version, is a small icon (the logo by Chris) instead of the large Firebird icons.

After installing the extension you select in the view menu and toolbars Customize . You can either drag the menu button or the CDN logo button on the toolbar and choose which menus to display. Since hide the menu bar does not turn on, all buttons and text fields from the navigation bar draw on the now empty menu bar. Then hide the navigation bar (remove right-click on the navigation bar and check mark) and you're done.

My toolbar now looks so like this:

you can always return to the original configuration by right-clicking on the toolbar, select Customize and Restore Standard click.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

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Firefox update. Urgent.

last week released an update for Firefox, which includes, among other things, some security holes. Yesterday, a hacker published code with which these vulnerabilities can be exploited. If you have not done so, you should now act immediately and inform friends and relatives out to do it well. You have two options:
Are you not the next victim.

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Are Reptarium Good For Corn Snakes

The story tells of Firefox, available from Ben Goodger

by Percy Cabello

Ben Goodger , chief developer of Firefox in an article a brief review has written about how it came to Firefox. It begins in 1999, in the days of Netscape, and the story told to the current version of Firefox 1.5.

He writes:
about the development of the Firefox browser since version 1.0 a lot has been written. In truth, the whole thing starts but already long before Firefox 1.0. It extends over many years, many continents and has thousands of companions. It's a great story, with all the trimmings, was: greed, anger, rebellion and the end of love. But above all it is a story of enthusiastic people who are working to create something they truly believe.
find the whole article in the original is here .

Thursday, February 2, 2006

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Firefox update

von Percy Cabello

Firefox ist gerade für Windows , MacOS X und Linux herausgekommen. Dieses kleinere Update (750 KB Download) bietet eine verbesserte Stabilität, verbesserte Unterstützung für MacOS X und Unterstützung von internationalen Domain-Namen für Island (.is). Außerdem wurdem Probleme mit Speicherüberlauf gelöst und einige Sicherheitslücken geschlossen.

Um das Update zu installieren, wählen Sie einfach Firefox aktualisieren im Hilfe-Menü.

Im Software-Update-Fenster klicken Sie auf Liste anzeigen, um zu sehen, ob Sie any extensions installed that with the new version are not compatible. Click Install Download to proceed with the installation. Then you need to restart Firefox to enable the new version runs.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

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The Mozilla Suite 1.0 is now called SeaMonkey

by Percy Cabello

The loyal fans of the Mozilla Suite can rejoice: The SeaMonkey team yesterday the release of SeaMonkey 1.0 announced. SeaMonkey is the successor of the venerable Netscape and is available for Windows, MacOS X and Linux.

Last year, the Mozilla Foundation announced In setting them was the development of the Mozilla Suite, SeaMonkey its internal name, would. They wanted to focus on core products such as Firefox, Thunderbird and Camino, for support should be provided but still.

In true open-source project-style were found together developers and then began a project that was dedicated to the advancement of the suite. After they had found a name for the new project, created a new logo , there were some alpha and beta versions, and now it is time for the first public version.

Like the original Mozilla Suite Firefox Web browser, an e-mail program, an IRC client to chat, an address book and a website editor. All these program elements have been Mozilla 1.7.12. been improved.

The new version provides the following functions:
  • Tabs can now drag and drop "back and forth
  • When you close a tab, the browser goes to the tab you were last selected. This is done under two conditions: they have chosen no other area tabs or opened, the current tab has been open since and you have the settings in "Focus on new tabs that open from the left." set. This functionality will also be included in Firefox 2.0 ..
  • support for vector graphics format SVG
  • Automatic saving of draft messages, select the highlighted
  • The Enter key begins with creating a message, a new paragraph appears
  • The menu entry for Chatzilla now in place, even if mail is not installed. There
for a complete list here .

Our congratulations git the SeaMonkey team for its first version!

Friday, January 27, 2006

C0000005 Memory Access Validation Error In Tally

Netscape 8.1 comes as

by Percy Cabello

Today, Netscape 8.1, a browser from the Netscape division of AOL, which is based on Firefox, been published.

As in previous Versions, Netscape, a number of additional functions such as the display of incompatible websites using Trident, the display module of Internet Explorer, two themes (Winscape and fusion), an extended form and Password Manager, Weather Forecast, central spoked page settings (cookies, passwords, Java , Javascript, images, display module and ActiveX), and the AOL Instant Messenger.

It also provides anti-spyware protection, a dynamic Security Center, a profile manager, RSS support, enhancements to tabbed browsing, the user interface enhancements and performance improvements.

Be warned, there is offered during installation can also download additional software and the transmission of user data. On my quick test, the anti-spyware protection eMule identified as spyware, it seems to have so little paranoid. As Netscape has added some widgets and options that Firefox themes are not compatible with Netscape. Users thus do not have many opportunities to change the appearance.

Amazingly site feeds are not recognized. You must click on the RSS / Atom feeds, to open it (Netscape will display it in a nice layout) and then save as a bookmark. There is no support for Live-Lesezeichen, diese gehen deshalb beim Import aus Firefox verloren.

Ansonsten könnten der frische Look und die praktischen Funktionen für manchen Anwender eine interessante Alternative darstellen.

Progressivism, Essentialism And Perennialism

Soon Open Source Flash Player

von Percy Cabello

Das GNU -Projekt hat die Entwicklung von Gnash angekündigt, einem Open Source-Player für die überall zu findenden Präsentationen und Anwendungen mit Macromedia Flash.

Derzeit wird der Flash Player von Macromedia als kostenloser Download zur Verfügung gestellt, doch aus Vertriebsgründen kann er nicht mit Open Source-Anwendungen wie Mozilla Firefox im Paket angeboten werden.

Gnash wird als Einzelanwendung und als Mozilla-Plugin (wie der Flash Player) für Firefox, Camino, Netscape, Flock und andere auf Gecko basierenden Browser verfügbar sein. Sollte er verfügbar sein, so kann Mozilla ihn mit Firefox im Paket anbieten und ermöglicht so Flash-Unterstützung ohne Zusatzsoftware.

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Share Hendrix their experiences with

von Percy Cabello

Wollen Sie über Ihre Erfahrungen mit eine Mozillaprodukt (Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino) berichten? Schauen Sie mal bei Hendrix vorbei, dem Feedback-Projekt von Mozilla.

Es besteht aus einem einfachen Webformular, in dem Sie das Produkt auswählen können, und dann Ihren Namen, Ihre E-Mail, eine Überschrift und Ihren Kommentar hinterlassen. Alle Nachrichten werden an die Mozilla Newsgroups geschickt, wobei die E-Mail-Adressen unkenntlich gemacht werden, um Spam zu verhindern. Die Newsgroups werden regelmäßig von unseren Entwicklern gelesen. Sie können also sicher sein, dass Ihre Stimme gehört wird.

Wieso Hendrix? Nun, er hat bekannterweise die Rückkopplung (engl. feedback ) bei seinen Aufnahmen populär gemacht