Saturday, March 11, 2006

New Virus That Has A Crick In Your Neck

could Viamatic foXpose gives Firefox an overview

von Percy Cabello

Die von Vivek Jishtu entwickelte Erweiterung Viamatic foXpose , die gerade beim Firefox- Erweiterungswettbewerb gewonnen hat, ist für Firefox das, was Exposé für Apple MacOS X ist, nämlich eine einfache Möglichkeit, alle Webseiten, die man gerade besucht, auf einen Blick anzeigen zu lassen. Die Erweiterung integriert ein Icon in die Statuszeile, mit dem man durch einen Klick eine Schnellübersicht sämtlicher Tabs aufrufen kann. Ein Klick auf ein beliebiges Vorschaufenster führt dann zum gewünschten Tab.

In den Einstellungen lässt sich unter anderem ein schwarz-weißer Hintergrund wählen or specify a keyboard shortcut. You can also set whether the foXpose page a new tab is opened. It can also integrate a button in the toolbar. If you want to hide the status bar, you can position this function at the top of the screen.

Of all the similar extensions which allow for this function already exist (TabView and Reveal are also well done) foXpose convinced by its simplicity. I would hope that there is an option to integrate the foXpose icon in the tab bar, where it hinpasst better. Moreover, one could then have by right-clicking a list of all open tabs.

I can highly recommend this extension.

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Papprazzi Camera Lens

downloads easily manage

by Percy Cabello

If you manage your downloads in a simpler way? The Download Statusbar has been developed by Devon Jensen Firefox extension that allows users to integrate the download management in the status bar.

Once the extension is installed, the download manager is disabled at the start of a download. There are two options: In the full mode is at the bottom for each download their own status bar set up with progress. Using a context menu for each individual download can rename or delete the files, or open. You can copy, also view the übergeordenten folder, or URL.

In mini mode, an additional icon will be integrated in the status bar. The progress bar will be time when you click on the icon.

The colors of the progress bar can be configured so that one can estimate the download speed slightly. You can specify, among other things, what information about each download to appear, and name an antivirus program to be started after successful download.

Overall it is a nifty tool that the functionality of Firefox using an intuitive and easy to understand interface extended. My only suggestion would be to use the icon of the download manager of Firefox, so that the extension fits seamlessly in the Firefox environment, and also use the mini-mode default.

Friday, March 3, 2006

Gallbladder Attack Confused With Stomach Virus

stand firm winner of the enlargement competition for Firefox

by Percy Cabello

The Mozilla Corporation has announced the winners of the Extend Firefox competition announced a contest, were motivated by the Mozilla Entwicklicker to write extensions for Firefox and update.
Each of them gets a Alienware Aurora 7500 Firefox Edition PC and a Firefox 1.5 winning package that consists of T-shirt, baseball cap and a laptop bag.
Jeder von ihnen bekommt einen Apple iPod Nano , einen $250 Geschenkgutschein von O'Reilly-Büchern , und ein Firefox 1.5 Gewinnerpaket, das aus T-Shirt, Baseball-Cap, and einer Laptop-Tasche besteht.

Sämtliche Details finden sich im Mozilla Developer Center . Glückwunsch allen Gewinnern und der Mozilla Corporation.

Cervical Mucus For 2 Weeks

Firefox is the best browser and creates market share

von Percy Cabello

NetApplications , ein Anbieter webbasierter Anwendungen, der kleine und mittlere Unternehmen untersucht, hat heute seine neuste Statistik veröffentlicht, nach der der Marktanteil für Firefox im Februar auf 9,75% gestiegen ist. Firefox is therefore on track to exceed the 10% mark.

A survey, which was attended by visitors to the site of NetApplications about browser market share showed that over 50% of the respondents regard as the best available Firefox browser.

The full report can be read at .

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Card Wording - Lost A Baby

OwnArea your settings on the move

by Percy Cabello

last Saturday has Glaxstar , a company that applications for products with Mozilla technology, provides a first beta version of OwnArea released a free extension that allows Firefox their users Lesezeichen und Toolbar-Einstellungen mitnehmen können. Dies gilt ebenso für Erweiterungen wie etwa einzelnen Schaltflächen zum Schließen von Tabs, einer in der Breite veränderbaren Suchleiste und dem Wiederherstellen bereits geschlossener Tabs. Funktionen also, die Firefox 2.0 erst Mitte des Jahres bieten wird.

Um OwnArea nutzen zu können, benötigen Sie ein Benutzerkonto bei Glaxstar . Es werden drei Optionen angeboten: die Personal -Variante, die kostenlos ist und lediglich Platz zur Speicherung Ihrer Einstellungen und Lesezeichen bietet. Desweiteren gibt es die Protected -Variante ($45 im Jahr, 14-Tage kostenloser Test). Sie gibt Eltern die Möglichkeit, to determine which websites can open up their children by allowing them to explicitly allow or deny access to each. A school version is available from 14 Available in March and is intended (as the name implies) for access to schools.

I have tried expanding the menu and felt a little slow for the transfer of bookmarks and some settings were already in the bookmarks menu to find and unnecessary. In addition, the live bookmarks have not been read correctly, was that my feeds folder empty. In the final version of these problems will be resolved well. The bookmark management goes well, and some users could the new tabbed browsing features fallen, so stand before Firefox 2.0.

I even stay at first Foxmarks to be on my bookmarks from anywhere can access when the final version is released, I look at the extension but to love again.