Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My Palm Is Red And Burning

corporate finance

Mezzanine Finanzierungsformen: Mezzanine (abgeleitet aus dem ital. Begriff für "Zwischengeschoss") Capital is an intermediate form of equity and debt. The financing instrument security protects and strengthens the capital base of the company. Forms: silent participation; Nachrangigkeitsdarlehen; participation certificates. The decision for the release of Mezzanine Capital is based in 1 Line at the expected operating cash flow. Unlike the traditional bank loan collateral security is required. In general, the discretion is large in this type of financing. It is required a current yield of the normal banking interest rate, often a successful payment, a so-called "equity kicker". There are both private and institutional mezzanine capital provider.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Church Anniversary Ad Sales

The Human Resources

Die Personalauswahl ist die wichtigste unternehmerische Aufgabe. Insbesondere kleine und mittelständische Betriebe weisen häufig Defizite im Personalmanagement auf. Das Personalmanagement stellt keine kaufmännische "Nebentätigkeit" dar, sondern ist eine unternehmerische Hauptaufgabe. Häufig ist die Personalabteilung im Bereich der Buchhaltung (Lohn-/Gehaltsabrechnung) zu finden. Lösen Sie diese Gliederung auf-die Personalabteilung gliedern Sie direkt in der Geschäftsleitung an! Wie können Sie die Qualität Ihres Personalmanagements überprüfen? Stellen Sie folgende Fragen: Verfügen Sie über einen Kriterienkatalog für die Einstellung von Personal? Were made jointly with the respective department and job descriptions will look at regularly and updated if necessary?

personnel evaluation
An absolutely outstanding importance for a successful personnel management is the regular staff appraisal! Perform staff performance reviews through-this should take place at least 1 per quarter. By the time you recognize staff assessment "Minder Leister" and can draw appropriate conclusions. What form might such a conversation?-Sit down with your staff to be assessed and discuss where this provides very good performance and where improvements might be necessary. Keep the result both mentioned on an A4 page set. Through regular assessment, you can see potential in time and promote good staff!