Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Was The Genious Gay? Wwe

1.5 weeks after diagnosis

Hey You,
times I would first like to thank you my Blog welcome. I think that this kind of "reporting" makes sense, since I have the opportunity to inform you regularly and without stress, my health and the course of my therapy. You are all part of my life and I feel in some way closely connected with you and I would love to have you be part of my destiny.
so far as it is today. My first entry since my diagnosis. You wonder, as I feel it and I tell you: I feel somehow a little easier. I know that sounds kinda strange, but since I'm ill in 2005 at the Pfeiffer's glandular fever, I had to to live my swollen lymph nodes. All nine months blood samples with lymph node measurement, always said that it is all right. No change in size and number. No change in blood count, on the contrary.
I had to live with this swollen neck, if I wanted it or not, and somehow I felt that this can not be normal. For over 5 years ago I quit smoking. Granted, I've never tolerate really ;-), but I am suffering from a chronic cough for years, despite my regular exercise through my sports studies. Three months ago it started with pain in the neck. Especially after consuming alcohol, I had the lymphoma known as typical alcohol pain in the affected area.
All the reasons I had to stay in the regular control it.
were eventually found new nodes swollen and I felt as if I was physically worse. I was poor under pressure, tired and exhausted, I always had to motivate morgends to get out of bed to go exercise, or only to the PH to attend lectures. The second operation just before Christmas was inevitable and so I ordered removed on 19/12/2008 in abulanten operations center in Esslingen my second lymph nodes. 3 weeks later I received first a positive message: "Congratulations Mr. Eppinger, they are healthy and have their lymph nodes be examined only every years, "I was immensely happy -.. to me a week later got the call that my first positive results will be revised and I, according to a special pathology of Ulm now but at a sub- the Lymhdrüsenkrebses'm sick.

The first shock was deep, but I was kinda glad to finally have a diagnosis. to finally know what really is going on. At last, knowing that all the pain I just could not quite place, finally had an origin. Somehow, joined the circle for me. I think this is one of the reasons why I deal very positively with the whole thing. I think that der positive Umgang mit dieser schwierigen Krankheit nicht nur mir etwas bringt, sondern auch meinem Umfeld, meiner Familie und meinen engsten Freunden. Stellt Euch vor ich würde gleich in eine Hysterie verfallen (danke Dustin :-x) , dann würde sich einiges ändern. "Optimismus verlängert das Leben" das ist einer der Sätze, die ich während meines Studiums gelernt habe und irgendwo steckt da eine Menge Wahrheit dahinter…
Zum Schluss möchte Ich Euch noch kurz auf den neuesten Stand bringen:
Seit meiner Diagnose befinde ich mich im so genannten "stageing": (einer Festigung der Diagnose) d.h. es ich muss etliche Ärzte abklappern, um letztendlich in einem abschleißenden Gespräch mit meinem Onkologen to identify at what stage the cancer is located and look like my next therapy.

lymphoma is usually treated with a standard chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Since I suffer from a lower form of this cancer, which is regarded as very curable, I hope to be "only" treated with an antibody therapy and chemotherapy weakened.

Meanwhile, I had appointments with a cardiologist, (who had my heart echo control for the next chemo, to be sure that my heart the next therapy survive) an oncologist, (bone marrow aspiration, to be sure that the bone marrow not affected even by mutated cells), and a radiologist (including a computed tomography of neck, has chest made and stomach in order to clarify that no other parts of the body are affected by swollen lymph nodes.)

All the results are positive for me failed, ie it is now really only my right neck area infested with diseased cells. There are no enlarged lymph nodes in the lung, yet an enlargement of the spleen and liver, which would be typical in my illness. This Friday is still a special examination of the lungs and at 13.02. have an ultrasound of the neck. The results then go to the Reference Center for Lymphoma in Cologne, will find out then discussed a useful therapy for me. You see, there is a lot going on, but all positive.

When there is news, I will inform you about it. Unless this far.

I hope you have a little enlightened and want a few good days. Especially to my boys from the PH - good luck and success for your exams, you will get the point anyway. Also, the other all the best. Fits all on you, and I'm glad about every comment from you.
Big hug,


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