Taun The Swiss farmers were , which from about the 16th Century existed.
The name Tawn Taun or is derived from the Middle High German: tagewan, or tagewen-won, = Size of land: as much as one in a Tag can order. The Taun were not landless proletariat, had their own fields, but not enough to make away themselves and their families. They stopped alongside other small animals often goats, they were grazing on the commons. But in order to secure their livelihood, they had to hire themselves out to the farmers and worked for them in the daily wage. Legally, the Taun farmers were treated in the community, but used the peasants their property, to impose its hegemony.
But they were also dependent on the Taun as workers. Besides this kind they remunerated with train service, etc., such as when crops and hay. Very often they were paid with money.
The Taun lived mainly in small stone houses, the Taunerhaus.
Link: Taun - Wikipedia
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