With outsourcing, outsourcing to German is in the economy, the Such as business functions and structures of third-party company called .
The term Outsourcing is a word that is outside of the English terms, resource and composite is using. If we translate the term individual components, so outsourcing is a approach requiring recourse to lying outside the company and competing sources of supply . It will, however, unlike the "sourcing" a responsible transition place on the service provider. Outsourcing is particularly in the IT environment, a now common practice.
The motivation for this since the 1990s, especially in Anglo-Saxon Space popular approach is mainly in the rationalization of business processes, a reduction of process complexity, the release of management capacity, the flexibility of the company and focus on core business ("Do what you can do best - outsource the rest"). Expensive or even not efficient executable tasks that are not part of the core business of the company to be sold to specialized service providers.
usually from an outsourcing costs or accounting reasons is made (avoiding high investment and commitment, improvement of credit ratings, etc.). A recent Form der Kostensenkung ist das sog. Offshore-Outsourcing (s.u.). Die Auslagerung kann aber auch Qualitäts-, Sicherheits- oder Know-How-Gründe haben.
Beispielsweise wird der Betrieb der IT-Infrastruktur oft an kompetente IT-Dienstleister übertragen. Risiken eines Ausfalls werden somit teilweise an das Drittunternehmen abgegeben. Oft wird ein Outsourcing auch erwogen, wenn ein Unternehmen sehr schnell wächst und nicht in zeitraubenden Aufbau eigener Infrastruktur oder Prozesse investieren will. (...)
Links: Outsourcing - Wikipedia , Insourcing – Koexistenz von Eigen- und Fremdleistungen (PDF; HTML-Vorschau ), best.at - Insourcing.html (QH), Time - Economy: Varta, a pioneer of "insourcing" (successful case study); Weather Search results for insourcing , Google News Search: insourcing
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