The plebeian (Latin, plebs lot, people) were in the Roman Republic, the people, not the old nobility, the patricians (Lat. patres, "fathers, ancestors"), belonged . It consisted mainly of peasants and craftsmen .
In 494 BC the plebeians went on strike for the first time for more rights (Secessio plebis), and in the year 449 BC there was a second exodus of the populace of the city of Rome, 445 BC . was granted them the right to marry patricians (lex Canuleia). As a result, built their own structures on the plebeians (the People's Assembly and the new magistrates of the tribune and of plebeian aedile). All these concessions have been with the pressure of Secessio enforced. The conflict was resolved stands 287 BC. At that time, was a plebeian dictator, Quintus Hortensius by a law that decisions of the Assembly not only for the plebeians, but for all Roman citizens made binding. (...)
Link: Plebs - Wikipedia
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