Private Equity (English: private equity) is the English term for the of private equity investors procured in contrast to public equity, to which the the stock of capital is acquired.
The term also has a controversial form of investment Input in the language found. On Private Equity, OTC financial companies have specialized in the buy with the help of private investors all the companies or interests in them to restructure them and resell the medium term with the highest possible profit.
business model
The business model of private equity firms is to acquire companies or interests in companies that are typically classified as undervalued. Occurring as a financial investment companies are not interested in a strategic investment, but only pursue the objective of the investment with the highest returns possible. The return is in usually by strong restructuring measures (shifting production abroad, layoffs, divestiture, spin-offs, etc.) in the acquired companies achieved.
characteristic of private equity investments is the short investment horizon of about 3 to 6 years. After this time the investments are sold at a profit, or placed on the exchange.
The required for the investment capital will be collected by private investors, pension funds, pension funds and insurance , receiving in return so-called private equity funds. The risk of such investments is an annual return on capital employed of often 20-40 Percent over. However, there are a number of private equity firms seeking a much more serious yield level in line with the development of the stock market. Not the return is paid out as income funds. To spread risks more investments are mostly concentrated in a fund that also has a limited duration.
When Fremdkapitalbeschafftung exclusively via publicly traded company, it is called "Institutional Equity.
substitution of equity
One of the first steps after the acquisition of a company usually there is, companies to reduce the capital and back get as much as possible of the capital used to purchase again. This capital will be replaced by leveraged debt. Interest and principal payments, the loans will be charged to the company and must be earned by him. This process is referred to as "recapitalization" and increases the risk for private investors and the company, its debt load significantly increases. So that the "recapitalization" works, the company needs a stable cash flow. The high rates of credit is a risk that the company is limited in its ability to act and barely own investment the future existence of competing active and can thus losing economic strength. Press
While private equity firms in the Anglo-American market for more than 20 years, there in recent years and increasingly in Europe such financial investors, whose business is increasing strongly.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
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What is Private Equity?
The Germany invested in private equity capital in 2002 was still 6.9 billion euros. 2004 wares already 22.5 billion euros. The increase is due to the fact that the sale of stakes in companies recently legally tax-free is. The global ratio of private equity firms on acquisitions in 2000 was 3 percent. In 2004, he had grown to 14 percent and had a volume of 294 billion dollars. To make purchases of very large corporations, they are increasingly contractors. An important role behind the private equity firms, banks play: are usually in debt-financed acquisitions of companies, so-called leveraged buy-outs, up to two thirds of the purchase price paid for with debt. In the absence of highly profitable investment alternatives and the possibility of credit risk by passing on to other banks (called syndication) to scatter is expected in the future a further strong increase of bank-financed acquisitions by private equity consortiums.
known private equity firms are Advent, Apax Partners, BC Partners, Blackstone, Carlyle Group, CVC, Doughty Hanson, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., Permira, Saban Capital and investment banks like Goldman Sachs
Political and social reactions
Private equity firms are often criticized because they maximize their business according to their purpose of investing in financial terms. Because the business approach of the financial investors usually heavily at the expense of the affected workforce, these are financial investors in the political debate in Germany as a "market radical." But in the U.S. they are considered since the spectacular takeover of RJR Nabisco for more than 30 billion dollars as "exploiters" and "business hunters.
Some economists look at private equity investments has the positive effect that a company can be converted in a short time and made fit for competition. This is especially if the company is not its transformation on its own is able to finance through the stock market, and banks have denied the necessary loans.
Link: Private Equity - Wikipedia
Thursday, May 19, 2005
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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Link: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - Wikipedia
plot, synopsis, summary
For 3 years the Clone Wars rage across the galaxy. Anakin Skywalker is a result of his heroism in many battles since risen to the rank of Jedi Knight. But distrust of the Jedi Order and its fear of losing Padme, as he once lost his mother lead him further and further to the dark side of power. He uses both the relationship with his mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi and his marriage at risk.
The film begins This is where a huge space battle in orbit of Coruscant. The separatists, led von Count Dooku und dem Droidengeneral Grievous ist es gelungen Kanzler Palpatine zu entführen. Die Flotte der Republik versucht, die Fliehenden aufzuhalten und den Kanzler zu befreien. Anakin und Obi-Wan führen die Rettungsaktion an. Es gelingt ihnen, an Bord des Flaggschiffes von General Grievous zu kommen und sich bis zum Kanzler vorzukämpfen. Als sie ihn befreien wollen, tritt ihnen Count Dooku entgegen. Es gelingt ihm, Obi-Wan kampfunfähig zu machen, so dass Anakin ihm alleine gegenübersteht. Doch dieser ist seit dem letzten Duell mit Dooku mächtiger und erfahrener geworden. Anakins Hass auf Dooku gibt ihm letztlich die Kraft, diesen zu besiegen. Vom immer noch gefesselten Kanzler aufgestachelt, enthauptet er diesen.
Zurück auf Coruscant ernennt Kanzler Palpatine Anakin zu seinem persönlichen Repräsentanten im Jedi-Rat. Anakin bekommt daraufhin zwar einen Platz im Jedi-Rat, der Rang eines Meisters wird ihm jedoch verweigert. Der Rat erteilt ihm die Aufgabe den Kanzler zu überwachen, und dem Rat über jeden seiner Schritte Bericht zu erstatten. Obi-Wan macht sich unterdessen auf die Suche nach General Grievous, um ihn zu beseitigen und den Krieg damit zu beenden. Kanzler Palpatine schürt derweil bei jeder Gelegenheit das Misstrauen Anakins gegenüber dem Jedi-Rat. Er erzählt ihm wie ähnlich Sith und Jedi sich doch wären, und welche Macht einem die dunkle Seite verleihen könne. Schließlich offenbart er sich ihm als der dunkle Lord der Sith. Anakin ist hin und hergerissen zwischen der Loyalität zu den Jedi und der Freundschaft zu Palpatine, der ihm die Macht verspricht, Padmé vor dem Tod zu bewahren, welchen er ständig in seinen Träumen vor Augen hat. Er bringt es nicht über sich Palpatine zu töten, aber er berichtet Mace Windu davon, wer der Kanzler wirklich ist.
Mace und einige Jedi-Ritter wollen den Kanzler verhaften. Als sie in sein Büro eintreten, zieht Palpatine blitzschnell ein Lichtschwert und erschlägt die Eskorte von Mace. Mit Mace wird er scheinbar nicht so leicht fertig. Diesem gelingt es letztlich den Kanzler zu entwaffnen. Als er ihn jedoch töten will, greift Anakin, der dem Kampf bisher tatenlos zugesehen hat, ein. Er macht Mace unable to fight, whereupon Palpatine throws him out the window. Anakin chose the dark side. Palpatine, consumed by the use of its own dark force in the fight against Mace said in his appearance, his new pupil Anakin Darth Vader. As a sign of his loyalty to Darth Sidious Vader moves to the Jedi Temple and kill all those present. Meanwhile, Sidious granted the clones, which spread throughout the galaxy under the command of Jedi fight to command 66th The clones then contact against the Jedi and kill them all.
The only survivors of the devastating blow to the Jedi Obi-Wan, Grievous has managed to eliminate, und Yoda, der mit Hilfe der Wookiees den Klonen entkommen kann. Beide schaffen es, sich an Bord des Schiffes von Senator Bail Organa zu retten. Als sie von dem Massaker im Jedi-Tempel erfahren, machen sie sich auf, um Sidious und Anakin zu stoppen. Obi-Wan folgt Anakin zusammen mit Padmé nach Mustafar, wohin dieser sich auf Befehl von Sidious begeben hat, um die verbleibenden Führer der Separatisten zu töten. Yoda stellt sich in Coruscant dem Imperator zum Duell. Als er jedoch merkt wie mächtig der Imperator ist, flieht Yoda und wird von Bail Organa gerettet.
Als Obi-Wan und Padmé auf Mustafar ankommen, hat Anakin sein blutiges Werk bereits vollendet. Obi-Wan und Padmé versuchen ihn zu überzeugen, sich von der dunklen Page to turn, but Anakin will not listen to them. He believes that Padme Obi-Wan has more than familiar to him and taken to Mustafar, and will punish them for treason. He begins to choke the pregnant Padme, Anakin, Obi-Wan after which engages to prevent this killing Padme. A duel between the two flares to life and death in the lavaumströmten industrial facilities of Mustafar. After a seemingly endless battle Obi-Wan Anakin is able to separate her legs, whereupon Anakin falls into the hot lava. At that moment, the shuttle will of the Emperor. Obi-Wan is forced to leave dying, Anakin. Believing that this is lost, he left with the unconscious Padmé den Planeten. Doch Anakin ist nicht tot. Der Imperator nimmt seinen verbrannten und verkrüppelten Körper mit nach Coruscant. Dort wird er mit Hilfe mechanischer Gliedmaßen wieder zusammengeflickt, und er erhält den Anzug, der ihn am Leben erhalten soll: Nun ist er endgültig zu Darth Vader geworden.
Auf einem Asteroidengürtel, auf dem sich Yoda, Obi-Wan und Bail Organa getroffen haben, versuchen sie Padmés Leben und das ihrer ungeborenen Kinder zu retten. Padmé schafft es, ihre Kinder, Luke und Leia, zur Welt zu bringen. Ihr selber ist jedoch nicht mehr zu helfen. Kraftlos wegen der Geburt und wegen gebrochenem Herzen stirbt sie.
Während Yoda sich nach Dagobah retreats to the solitude of the swamp, Leia, Bail Organa is entrusted. Obi-Wan brings Luke into the care of Owen and Beru Lars and disappears in the desert of Tatooine. Meanwhile, the work already started on Death Star, the Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader examine.
The plot makes use of many important historical events. Sun Palpatine in Episode 2 is a dictator appointed time (Roman Republic) and begins simultaneously from this position of power Timen put democracy to gradually dismantle (Adolf Hitler after his appointment as chancellor in the Weimar Republic). At the same time can Palpatine support his revolution by the army (Gaius Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bono Part). The final overthrow of the Senate is equal to the "Enabling Act" Adolf Hitler's.
Link: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - Wikipedia
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
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What is a bailiff?
Link: bailiff - Wikipedia
A sheriff is in medieval and early modern a representative of a feudal lord in a given area , the bailiwick, which he has to manage for the sovereign. On whose behalf he exercises the right advocacy: he has chaired the District Court and he must organize the defense. During the war he led the feudal array of the country. Office of the Provincial governor was a sovereign castle.
Extra long, the medieval institution of the bailiff was in the two shrines, Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia. In the 14th Century by the Brandenburg Ascanians introduced, the bailiffs were among the Bohemian kings (up to 1620/35) and the Saxon Elector, the highest officials of the sovereign. End of the 17th Century, but lost the post in importance and became a mere title of the Saxon Elector (heir apparent).
Link: bailiff - Wikipedia
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Bertrada Who was the oldest? What
Link: Bertrada the Elder - Wikipedia
Bertrada the elder was in the first half of the 8th Century Countess of Laon on the basis of her marriage to Heribert of Laon. She is the founder of the Abbey of Prüm, he is the co-founders of this institution.
Joint Bertrada the younger daughter, the wife of Pepin the Younger, the Frankish king's steward and later. This is Bertrada the maternal grandmother of Charlemagne.
Link: Bertrada the Elder - Wikipedia
Thursday, May 12, 2005
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outsourcing (insourcing) is?
Links: Outsourcing - Wikipedia , Insourcing – Koexistenz von Eigen- und Fremdleistungen (PDF; HTML-Vorschau ), - Insourcing.html (QH), Time - Economy: Varta, a pioneer of "insourcing" (successful case study); Weather Search results for insourcing , Google News Search: insourcing
With outsourcing, outsourcing to German is in the economy, the Such as business functions and structures of third-party company called .
The term Outsourcing is a word that is outside of the English terms, resource and composite is using. If we translate the term individual components, so outsourcing is a approach requiring recourse to lying outside the company and competing sources of supply . It will, however, unlike the "sourcing" a responsible transition place on the service provider. Outsourcing is particularly in the IT environment, a now common practice.
The motivation for this since the 1990s, especially in Anglo-Saxon Space popular approach is mainly in the rationalization of business processes, a reduction of process complexity, the release of management capacity, the flexibility of the company and focus on core business ("Do what you can do best - outsource the rest"). Expensive or even not efficient executable tasks that are not part of the core business of the company to be sold to specialized service providers.
usually from an outsourcing costs or accounting reasons is made (avoiding high investment and commitment, improvement of credit ratings, etc.). A recent Form der Kostensenkung ist das sog. Offshore-Outsourcing (s.u.). Die Auslagerung kann aber auch Qualitäts-, Sicherheits- oder Know-How-Gründe haben.
Beispielsweise wird der Betrieb der IT-Infrastruktur oft an kompetente IT-Dienstleister übertragen. Risiken eines Ausfalls werden somit teilweise an das Drittunternehmen abgegeben. Oft wird ein Outsourcing auch erwogen, wenn ein Unternehmen sehr schnell wächst und nicht in zeitraubenden Aufbau eigener Infrastruktur oder Prozesse investieren will. (...)
Links: Outsourcing - Wikipedia , Insourcing – Koexistenz von Eigen- und Fremdleistungen (PDF; HTML-Vorschau ), - Insourcing.html (QH), Time - Economy: Varta, a pioneer of "insourcing" (successful case study); Weather Search results for insourcing , Google News Search: insourcing
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
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What is a bond?
Link: Wikipedia - bond
As bond (including annuity, bond, debenture), a (usually fixed income) securities is called, which represented a capital ratio.
bonds traditional financial instruments of long-term capital procurement . When is the issue of bonds it is a foreign and foreign funding for legal persons: The issue is a borrowing of the anonymous bond market. Bonds are available with various forms that differ in terms, maturity, currency and issuer. (...)
Link: Wikipedia - bond
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What is the break-even point?
Link: Wikipedia - break
The break or more commonly used break-even point is in the Economics the point at which revenue and cost of production (or product) are the same and thus any loss or gain is generated (Break).
is exceeded the break-even point, you reach the profit zone, corresponding to below will realize a loss.
The break-even analysis is an important tool for business planning . It helps the impact of changes in cost structure to analyze and determine the requirements for the sales volume. The dynamic break-even analysis shows the date from which a new product reaches profitability. (...)
Link: Wikipedia - break
Tuesday, May 3, 2005
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Who were the plebeians?
Link: Plebs - Wikipedia
The plebeian (Latin, plebs lot, people) were in the Roman Republic, the people, not the old nobility, the patricians (Lat. patres, "fathers, ancestors"), belonged . It consisted mainly of peasants and craftsmen .
In 494 BC the plebeians went on strike for the first time for more rights (Secessio plebis), and in the year 449 BC there was a second exodus of the populace of the city of Rome, 445 BC . was granted them the right to marry patricians (lex Canuleia). As a result, built their own structures on the plebeians (the People's Assembly and the new magistrates of the tribune and of plebeian aedile). All these concessions have been with the pressure of Secessio enforced. The conflict was resolved stands 287 BC. At that time, was a plebeian dictator, Quintus Hortensius by a law that decisions of the Assembly not only for the plebeians, but for all Roman citizens made binding. (...)
Link: Plebs - Wikipedia
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What Taun?
Link: Taun - Wikipedia
Taun The Swiss farmers were , which from about the 16th Century existed.
The name Tawn Taun or is derived from the Middle High German: tagewan, or tagewen-won, = Size of land: as much as one in a Tag can order. The Taun were not landless proletariat, had their own fields, but not enough to make away themselves and their families. They stopped alongside other small animals often goats, they were grazing on the commons. But in order to secure their livelihood, they had to hire themselves out to the farmers and worked for them in the daily wage. Legally, the Taun farmers were treated in the community, but used the peasants their property, to impose its hegemony.
But they were also dependent on the Taun as workers. Besides this kind they remunerated with train service, etc., such as when crops and hay. Very often they were paid with money.
The Taun lived mainly in small stone houses, the Taunerhaus.
Link: Taun - Wikipedia
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observances for Holy - December
Link: list of anniversaries and days of action - Wikipedia ; January - Pirminius 4th November - Charles Borromeo 7th November - 8th Willibrord November - Blessed John Duns Scotus 10th November - Leo the Great 11th November - Martin of Tours (Martini) 13th November - Stanislaus Kostka, Brictius of Tours 14th November - Justinian I (Orthodox) 15th November - Albert the Great, Leopold of Austria 17th November - Gertrude of Helfta, Gregory of Tours 19th November - Elizabeth of Thuringia 20th November - Bernward of Hildesheim 30th November - Apostle Andrew Link: list of anniversaries and days of action - Wikipedia ; January March Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) 28th September - Bernardine of Feltre
December 3rd December - Franz Xaver
4th December - Anno II of Cologne
6th December - St. Nicholas, Henrika and companions
7th December - Ambrose of Milan
8th December - John of Damascus
12th December - Vizelin of Oldenburg
13th December - Odilia, Saint Lucy
16th December - Ado of Vienne
17th December - Sturmius Ignatius of Antioch
22nd December - Hungerus Frisius
26th December - Stephen
27th December - Apostle John
29th December - Lothar I.
31st December - New Year's Eve
Link: list of anniversaries and days of action - Wikipedia ; January - Pirminius 4th November - Charles Borromeo 7th November - 8th Willibrord November - Blessed John Duns Scotus 10th November - Leo the Great 11th November - Martin of Tours (Martini) 13th November - Stanislaus Kostka, Brictius of Tours 14th November - Justinian I (Orthodox) 15th November - Albert the Great, Leopold of Austria 17th November - Gertrude of Helfta, Gregory of Tours 19th November - Elizabeth of Thuringia 20th November - Bernward of Hildesheim 30th November - Apostle Andrew Link: list of anniversaries and days of action - Wikipedia ; January March Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) 28th September - Bernardine of Feltre
29th September - Archangel Michael (Michaelis) Link: src=""> list of anniversaries and days of action - Wikipedia ;
January 15. Oktober - Theresa von Avila 16. Oktober - Margareta Maria Alacoque 19. Oktober - Jean de Brébeuf
20. Oktober - Wendelin
23. Oktober - Jakobus der Gerechte, Severin von Köln
24. Oktober - Antonius Maria Claret
29. Oktober - Beda Venerabilis
31. Oktober - Wolfgang von Regensburg
Liste der Gedenktage und Aktionstage - Wikipedia
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observances for Holy - November
August 4. August - Agricola von Bologna 8. August - Dominikus - Cyriak 9. August - Edith Stein 10. August - Laurentius von Rom 12. August - Sel. Karl Leisner, Hl. Johanna Franziska von Chantal 14. August - Maximilian Kolbe 16. August - Stephan I. (Ungarn) 17. August - Hl.Altfrid 19. August - Sebaldus von Nürnberg 20. August - Bernhard von Clairvaux 23. August - Kallinikos I. 24. August - Apostel Bartholomäus 25. August - Ludwig IX. 26. August - Johanna Elisabeth Bichier des Ages 27. August - Monika, Mutter von Augustinus von Hippo 28. August - Augustinus von Hippo 31. August - Nikodemus Link: Liste der Gedenktage und Aktionstage - Wikipedia ;
August 4. August - Agricola von Bologna 8. August - Dominikus - Cyriak 9. August - Edith Stein 10. August - Laurentius von Rom 12. August - Sel. Karl Leisner, Hl. Johanna Franziska von Chantal 14. August - Maximilian Kolbe 16. August - Stephan I. (Ungarn) 17. August - Hl.Altfrid 19. August - Sebaldus von Nürnberg 20. August - Bernhard von Clairvaux 23. August - Kallinikos I. 24. August - Apostel Bartholomäus 25. August - Ludwig IX. 26. August - Johanna Elisabeth Bichier des Ages 27. August - Monika, Mutter von Augustinus von Hippo 28. August - Augustinus von Hippo 31. August - Nikodemus Link: Liste der Gedenktage und Aktionstage - Wikipedia ;
Januar June src=""> Apostel Paulus von Tarsus
Link: Liste der Gedenktage und Aktionstage - Wikipedia ; Januar
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