Monday, March 23, 2009
Phlegm In Seven Month Old Baby Not Coming Out
Hi everyone! On Monday I
get my eighth irradiation and I am thus arrived at the half. Crazy how fast the days go by. Meanwhile, to make something widely as routine, I got used to the treatment and am strengthened from the head. Positive experiences were from the said Thursday very important to me. Since my rough start the treatment is almost without problems. The last units lasted nie länger als 15 Minuten - man spricht mit mir und geht auf meine Ängste ein. Ich merke, dass ich deutlich ruhiger geworden bin und versuche die tägliche Fahrt ins KH als einen gewöhnlichen Termin zu sehen - so als ob ich zum Einkaufen gehe.
Mein heutiger Termin fiel etwas aus dem Rahmen, da zusätzlich zur Bestrahlung, die ersten CT-Kontrollaufnahmen gemacht werden mussten. So kam es, dass die Behandlung ca. 5 Minuten länger dauerte als sonst. Es wurde dazu neben dem Strahlengerät eine Vorrichtung aus 2 Flügeln über meinen Kopf gefahren und einige Aufnahmen vom Halsbereich gemacht, um den Fortschritt der Therapie zu erkennen. Die Flügel schwenken dabei von links und rechts kommend, einige Zentimeter über meinem Kopf together. They have some light emitting diodes on the bottom and make the shots while I had a lot of noise. In retrospect, however, quite harmless. Discussed, the images are probably in the coming days. Am very excited about the progress and certainly hope that everything goes so far with the anticipated result. Personally, I can say that quite a lot has happened since the start of treatment: Chris and I started to measure my neck. In recent days this is by 2.5 cm (!) Shrunk. Real madness. Nevertheless moved my trachea and esophagus while looking in the mirror is still a few inches to the left. We have made some record of it, which I will despatch on you soon.
Some side effects have used: Va few hours after irradiation, I notice a slightly painful drawing in the right neck. Also the first mucosal reactions are observed: One has the feeling of occasional bad taste and that you produce less mucus. I also got a little inflammation in the right rear back area, which is slightly swollen. I have therefore already made contact with a doctor who then referred me to suck against the neck pain sage candy and wg. to use a herbal tincture of the mucosa, which I have the same concern today at noon from the pharmacy. Seems to be a good thing to be. Otherwise, it was
today but as far as possible normal. Man erkennt mittlerweile schon bekannte Gesichter unter den Patienten, die wie ich fast täglich ihren Gang zur Bestrahlung antreten müssen. Die meissten mustern mich schon mit verwunderten, beinahe bemitleidenden Blicken, wenn ich als junger Mann die Behandlungskabine betrete. Ich schätze mich vom Alter her deutlich unter dem Schnitt und habe beinahe das Gefühl aus dem Rahmen zu fallen. Ich denke schon, dass es als ungewöhnlich gilt, in solch jungen Jahren an Krebs zu erkranken. In unserer Gesellschaft gilt Krebs v.a. als eine Krankheit der älteren Generation ; viele verbinden sie mit schlechten Erlebnissen aus ihrem Leben. Ich hörte z.B. eine Dame in einem Gespräch mit einer anderen Patientin sagen, sie denke der Auslöser their cancer would have been the trauma of war. Perhaps she is right - maybe you can also use the free time it has usually during therapy make good use by we remember their lives and consider where you actually in life is and what objectives you in life or wants. I think that often the mistake is that people start to ponder in the past, consider what are the triggers of the disease, rather than concentrate on the "opportunities" offered by a such a disease. I know that sounds a little strange, but I mean for this therapy, a letting go of old, a letting go of bad experiences and Settings. I would like in the future just let me try to focus on my strengths and my weaknesses to be regarded as such. That I can not really have frequently been difficult.
And I am of the opinion that this very moment "of the balance stand" can use to make about the importance of their own values \u200b\u200band attitudes of mind. Makes me really a lot of fun and you can almost feel how the importance of the everyday things you need in life shifts. For me, the whole thus means a new beginning.
So now, enough philosophizing ;-)
morning it go back to normal. Only 7 units to the end. I already am beginning to count the days. :-)
If there is something new I will inform you of course. Up to now let you go well and see you soon again ...
Lg Felix
Oh, before I forget, in this way also once again many thanks for the nice gifts and birthday greetings. I really enjoyed it. More like it personally. Does well
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