Just before half-time just
Hi, Now I'm
just before the end of the therapy - in brief and I just thought that it is now time again for you is to find out about my current condition. Fortunately, I can tell you that I continue doing well and I am still in good physical condition. My pain and inflammation in the mouth and throat had been rising significantly, but bear in any case. Especially my right back inside is severely inflamed and occasionally covered with a white film. According to doctor but nothing extraordinary, with a mouthwash from the chemist's good to get a grip. Against my throat I lick my sage regular candy, the good service to me. Unfortunately, yesterday I noticed that I also some hair loss slowly. Luckily I have a lot of hair mega cheer Kop and so you can see it only if I push the hairs slightly to one side. Commendable is that they fail me only in the irradiated region, ie in the right neck area. Have you made malne photo of it, where your can see it a bit.
Also, my skin reacts slowly. It is mainly after radiation red-stained and my mum told me that even the radiation field is visible. So I'm in the mirror difficult to detect, have won just tried to capture the whole picture in nem:
The last treatments proceeded as far in the frame. Last Wednesday I had a short contact with the chief doctor who looked after me and inquired about my health. He asked me if I would feel the change by pressing him and I said yes, because the lymph nodes really clear decrease in their size - a good sign that the therapy is successful strikes. I inquired about the CT-photos that were taken on Monday and was told that these are not for control but only the further planning of the irradiation. Especially in the neck it is through the confusing mixture of tissues, muscles and glands important to plan accurate, are to arrive where the rays. I think that the irradiation von oben nach unten gemacht wird, da ich nach den letzten Behandlungen vor allem Hautreaktionen im Gesichts- und oberen Halsbereich hatte.
Bis auf einige technischen Probleme lief alles reibungslos. Am Freitag mußte ich leider über eine Std. warten, bis ich meine Dosis bekam. Mir wurde erklärt, dass wie bei meinem ersten Termin das Gerät ausgefallen sei. Jetzt verstehe ich auch den Unmut derer, die in teilweise schlimmen körperlichen Zuständen auf einem recht unbequemen Stuhl ausharren müssen, um sich als einer von vielen, den täglichen "Schuss" abholen müssen. Da kann das Warten schon zur Qual werden.
Meine Angst habe ich mit meinen Strategien gut in den Griff bekommen und so konnte ich hinter jeden überstandenem Termin in meinem Planer mein wohl-verdientes "erledigt-Häkchen" setzen. Bin wirklich froh darum, dass ich es ohne Spritzen aushalte. Eine der Schwestern hat deswegen auch gelobt und mir gebeichtet, dass sie nach meiner ersten Behandlung nicht gedacht hätte, dass ich es ohne Beruhigungsmittel schaffe. Ist halt doch alles eine Sache der Überwindung und Auslegung. Man findet trotz scheinbar unüberwindbarer Hürden immer einen Weg zum Ziel.
Jetzt sind es noch 2 Behandlungen und dann ist hoffentlich erst mal Feierabend. Ich erfuhr heute, dass nach meiner letzten Sitzung ein Abschlußgespräch stattfinden wird, bei dem der Therapieverlauf überprüft wird und man entscheidet, wie es weiter gehen soll. Ich gehe davon aus, dass nochmals CT scans, and another ultrasound at my oncologist queue to be pretty sure that all lymph nodes have been caught. After that, then hopefully the cancer chapter for me finished for now. 'm Really getting sick of doing nothing and looking forward to new challenges ahead.
I hope you, it goes well so far. Enjoy the upcoming spring weekend and leave it fairly loose (whatever ;-)) Lg
and ne big hug to all my loyal readers ...
Oh, almost forgot my ego would have, here also an original image from my treatment. Unfortunately, it does not make the nurse take a picture of the page. I would like for my last 2 appointments try to catch up. Nevertheless, you can mask with tape markings clearly visible. You can enlarge the pictures by the way, by simply clicking your .. Machts juuuut!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Phlegm In Seven Month Old Baby Not Coming Out
Hi everyone! On Monday I
get my eighth irradiation and I am thus arrived at the half. Crazy how fast the days go by. Meanwhile, to make something widely as routine, I got used to the treatment and am strengthened from the head. Positive experiences were from the said Thursday very important to me. Since my rough start the treatment is almost without problems. The last units lasted nie länger als 15 Minuten - man spricht mit mir und geht auf meine Ängste ein. Ich merke, dass ich deutlich ruhiger geworden bin und versuche die tägliche Fahrt ins KH als einen gewöhnlichen Termin zu sehen - so als ob ich zum Einkaufen gehe.
Mein heutiger Termin fiel etwas aus dem Rahmen, da zusätzlich zur Bestrahlung, die ersten CT-Kontrollaufnahmen gemacht werden mussten. So kam es, dass die Behandlung ca. 5 Minuten länger dauerte als sonst. Es wurde dazu neben dem Strahlengerät eine Vorrichtung aus 2 Flügeln über meinen Kopf gefahren und einige Aufnahmen vom Halsbereich gemacht, um den Fortschritt der Therapie zu erkennen. Die Flügel schwenken dabei von links und rechts kommend, einige Zentimeter über meinem Kopf together. They have some light emitting diodes on the bottom and make the shots while I had a lot of noise. In retrospect, however, quite harmless. Discussed, the images are probably in the coming days. Am very excited about the progress and certainly hope that everything goes so far with the anticipated result. Personally, I can say that quite a lot has happened since the start of treatment: Chris and I started to measure my neck. In recent days this is by 2.5 cm (!) Shrunk. Real madness. Nevertheless moved my trachea and esophagus while looking in the mirror is still a few inches to the left. We have made some record of it, which I will despatch on you soon.
Some side effects have used: Va few hours after irradiation, I notice a slightly painful drawing in the right neck. Also the first mucosal reactions are observed: One has the feeling of occasional bad taste and that you produce less mucus. I also got a little inflammation in the right rear back area, which is slightly swollen. I have therefore already made contact with a doctor who then referred me to suck against the neck pain sage candy and wg. to use a herbal tincture of the mucosa, which I have the same concern today at noon from the pharmacy. Seems to be a good thing to be. Otherwise, it was
today but as far as possible normal. Man erkennt mittlerweile schon bekannte Gesichter unter den Patienten, die wie ich fast täglich ihren Gang zur Bestrahlung antreten müssen. Die meissten mustern mich schon mit verwunderten, beinahe bemitleidenden Blicken, wenn ich als junger Mann die Behandlungskabine betrete. Ich schätze mich vom Alter her deutlich unter dem Schnitt und habe beinahe das Gefühl aus dem Rahmen zu fallen. Ich denke schon, dass es als ungewöhnlich gilt, in solch jungen Jahren an Krebs zu erkranken. In unserer Gesellschaft gilt Krebs v.a. als eine Krankheit der älteren Generation ; viele verbinden sie mit schlechten Erlebnissen aus ihrem Leben. Ich hörte z.B. eine Dame in einem Gespräch mit einer anderen Patientin sagen, sie denke der Auslöser their cancer would have been the trauma of war. Perhaps she is right - maybe you can also use the free time it has usually during therapy make good use by we remember their lives and consider where you actually in life is and what objectives you in life or wants. I think that often the mistake is that people start to ponder in the past, consider what are the triggers of the disease, rather than concentrate on the "opportunities" offered by a such a disease. I know that sounds a little strange, but I mean for this therapy, a letting go of old, a letting go of bad experiences and Settings. I would like in the future just let me try to focus on my strengths and my weaknesses to be regarded as such. That I can not really have frequently been difficult.
And I am of the opinion that this very moment "of the balance stand" can use to make about the importance of their own values \u200b\u200band attitudes of mind. Makes me really a lot of fun and you can almost feel how the importance of the everyday things you need in life shifts. For me, the whole thus means a new beginning.
So now, enough philosophizing ;-)
morning it go back to normal. Only 7 units to the end. I already am beginning to count the days. :-)
If there is something new I will inform you of course. Up to now let you go well and see you soon again ...
Lg Felix
Oh, before I forget, in this way also once again many thanks for the nice gifts and birthday greetings. I really enjoyed it. More like it personally. Does well
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Who Had Lots Of Ewcm Before Their Period
Forgive your loved ones that you had to wait until the end of the Wo-end, to what you hear from me. Actually I can not tell you why I have not yet managed to write this post.
Last Thursday was so far - I have my first two irradiations hnter me. And it was no picnic for me, I want you ever anticipate. Perhaps this was also the reason why I wanted to be a bit of time to process the whole thing again. But first things first:
My appointment for my first treatment was at 9.35 clock and I arrived on time in Ruit. My mom has been with me, which I was very happy. The nerves were about to play hard and so it went with sweaty hands and a slightly elevated heart rate in the Department of Radiotherapy of the KH Ruit. We must arrive there no longer can log in and go right after Linac A or B, depending on where you should be irradiated. Once there you can just sit and wait until you call it, is because the course is fully equipped with cameras and see the X-ray assistants can be so beautiful who is already present - Time is money. Half an hour later
it was time. One of the assistants came from :-) one of the booths and made another portrait photo of me - apparently just for the record. Then we went to get changed and then upper body free in one of two treatment rooms.
He was tall and dark, in the middle was the device that is already 2 drumrum assistants have been waiting at the Bare with me. Has reminded me somehow of a surgical room, except that the green men have been missing ;-)
I was asked to put me on the bare. What struck me was very quickly that there was a certain rush. I missed that someone spoke to me, but I followed the brief and concise statements of the assistants. There was no encouragement driven or sensitive set.
my head should I put into the device and my legs were lined with a round cushion. Shortly thereafter, the arm of the X-ray apparatus placed over my face and I was electrically driven to meet about half a meter in the X-ray head. One of the radiologists joined me again and my lymph nodes examined, but said it up to a "- so do so wirs" not much. Then came my mask into the game. It went over my head and made her live set at the head apparatus. Unfortunately, I realized early on that neither the mouth nor the eye area were cut. allowed only a small cut out the nose to me to breathe a little more comfortable. But I did not say anything at first and wait how it all went. I was to my shoulders as far as it went on the drop-in and hold a stretch in the neck to the neck released the largest possible area. The mask "facilitated" I hold this position because it was made in the selling agency for this position. Stupid way to it lies at the neck so tight that it made me really cause problems to swallow normally. (After Men have a larynx that moves just a bit shy when you swallow.) I have it in any case survive as you see.
incidentally ran from several things. First, a scanner has been smashed and the assistants made an Edding, similar to CT, some marks on the mask. In addition, on the treated side a few tape strips tape stuck to the mask that there were exactly at eye level and so it was that I could now see even on the right, nothing more. to overcome all circumstances are not good for my claustrophobia. Actually, I thought that this was not too strong, in this extreme situation, but unfortunately I was a little better taught. And so it happened that I panicked and I had the feeling I would zuschnühren the neck. I mentioned that I was short of breath, and whether it would be lengthened, that the mask in the mouth and left eye area but could still cut. The answers were already a bit annoyed: "Do you see where the marks and settings would allow the end, one could consider that." Thanks - that helped me in this situation a little. Another panic attack came over me and I was really about to cancel the whole thing. I had heart palpitations and sweating. Soon after, then release the real deal and I managed to calm me down again.
After the last time being attached to tapes and the last marks were made, I got an old-fashioned Handklinkel pressed into his hand and I was told that I should use it if it did not go. I was then only an unintelligible sound of me and held me convulsively at the bell.
The actual exposure is quite spectacular: the assistants left the room shortly after I heard as moving the beam head and gives some noises, compared with a simple X-ray machine. A rattle, a mechanical turning, again rattling, etc. You can feel
really nothing. Only about 2h. after treatment, the heated irradiated Section, and you feel "as if what is doing." I had this image in your head as the malignant cells are first confronted with the rays. You can feel the "anxiety" appears with it.
After 4-5 minutes should be all over - but unfortunately not for me. I was told that there were problems with the device and that I get a short recovery period. The first irradiation was so wrong kmplett. Super Na. What a start. Until then, about fifteen hours had passed.
After my mask was removed and I could breathe again carefree I was asked to leave the room and me just to go into the locker room. When I got up I realized how much I already give 15 min mitgenommen hatten: Mir sackte der Kreislauf ein und mir wurde extrem schwindlig. Ich musste stehen bleiben und ruhig atmen , um nicht umzukippen. Irgendwie flüchtete ich in die Kabine. Eine der Assistentinnen bemerkte das ich wirklich zu kämpfen hatte und fragte mich wie es mir gehe. Ich erzählte ihr, dass ich Probleme mit der Enge habe und dass die Panik bei mir unterbewußt gesteuert ist. Ich kann also nur gering beeinflussen wie ich reagiere. Sie entgegnete mir, dass Sie das gleiche Problem mit Spinnen habe, wie ungefähr jede zweite Frau ;-) Ich wollte wissen, ob es für die Zukunft die Möglichkeit gebe, evtl. vor der Behandlung Beruhigungsmittel zu bekommen - Sie entgegntete, dass sie dafür erst einen Arzt fragen müsse, as this forms part of the exception. Strange is not it?
She brought me a bottle of soda then kindly and so I quickly came down again. In between I heard the voices of some engineers who were trying to physicians and assistants to bring the unit back up and running. After another 5 minutes, I was led back into the room. This time I tried myself together and got the proper treatment with only a little. I felt like I was in a trance - probably a defensive reaction of my body, make me the hardships so "pleasant" as possible. reacts really incredible how the human body in extreme situations. In retrospect, it seems to me almost impossible to estimate how long the procedure has not lasted. But it would have been another quarter hour, because my Mum told me that I was about 35 minutes away. For me, a chill hours
After the treatment, I just wanted to get out. In the corridors had now quite a number of members resigned from waiting patients who have wondered aloud to my mum already, why is today so long would last ... no wonder I have all looked like a car than I was white as a sheet from the cabin. I just wanted to get out of the KH, the fresh air. I was out there until I got to say a word and my mother felt that it really must have been intense for me. In retrospect, it was too. My body reacted almost like to a state of shock, with sweating, headache and nausea. At the thought of the upcoming three weeks I felt sick and I could only cry still can. In the first hour after that, I really did not know how I would survive the whole thing. I made a lot of thought and decided to await the scheduled treatment on Friday, before I include a doctor in my problem. In a conversation with my Mum and my treasure we pondered what we could do to my panic. We considered that one of the most important points is really the "mental cinema" is where we must try to beam itself mentally in other spheres. Not always easy but with etwas Übung mit ein wichtiger Punkt, um sich abzulenken. Ausserdem wollte ich versuchen mich mit einem Gegenstand in der Hand abzulenken. Ich wollte es mit einem Ei aus Gummi versuchen, das normalerweise für das Training der Sensibilität der Finger und der Muskulatur in der Ergotherapie eingesetzt wird (danke Schatz :-x).
Nach einer unruhigen Nacht und mit einem sehr unruhigen Gefühl im Bauch ging es dann am Freitag früh wieder in Richtung Ruit.
Die nette Assistentin hatte mir versichert, dass die weiteren Behandlungen kürzer und um einiges stressfreier ablaufen würden. Ihr Wort in Gottes Ohr! Ich konnte ihr noch nicht so recht glauben. Zur Beruhigung nahm ich einige pflanzliche Neurexan Tabletten, die mir in Prüfungssituationen had done during my studies already good service.
Surprisingly, I was a lot friendlier and they apologized to me for the circumstances on the day before - it was really something went wrong - well at least this debt were probably mainly had the markings and the settings are made on the mask and the device. Additionally, the failure of the device, the pressure of waiting patients from outside - it just came together a lot. On Friday
should but fortunately much less stressful to run. There were even here and there a few nice words :-)
much calmer, I went into treatment. My head cinema should be that I look at our basement im Detail vorstellen wollte und diese ablaufe. Ich weiß es gibt mit Sicherheit schönere Vorstellungen, aber irgendwie kam mir das spontan in den Sinn. Zusätzlich spielte ich mit meinem Ei in der Hand. (NICHT das Ei das Ihr meint ;-) ) Und tatsächlich lief es um einiges angenehmer. Die Behandlungszeit betrug maximal 10 Minuten und man lies mich zwischendrin wissen, wie lange ich es noch auszuhalten habe. Schneller als erwartet und unendlich glücklich durfte ich den Behandlungsraum verlassen.
Mittlerweile habe ich auch schon meine heutige Behandlung hinter mir und ich muss sagen, dass ich wirklich froh bin, wie es jetzt läuft. Ich verbringe mit Warten maximal eine halbe Std. in der Klinik und kann dann schon wieder nach Hause.
Ausserdem we have decided that I will not take but a taxi, but always with a familiar face from the family or close friends. Today I was digging down, now come back from Manchester. Thanks again for that.
Finally, I would say that I'm really optimistic for the coming weeks. The shock to the beginning sat deep, but vl it was a good thing this bad experience at the beginning to make in order to appreciate the present 10 minutes of treatment time better. One should simply try again to see the positives of the situation. Physically, it is
me after the 3rd Excellent treatment. So far no signs of neck pain or Oral lesions. But I had been also so committed that I will probably only side effects vs. center feel of the second week.
How will I fare in the coming days, then you experience the coming days. To date, I wish you again ne jute week and much success in what you doing Sun Let it go you good ...
Lg Felix
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
What Is Difference Between Mino Or Ultra
Started 1 month and a few Crushed
So friends, so it's almost time now. On Thursday we start with my therapy. How did I mention I was last week Friday for the second time in Ruit. The date was set without consultation with the doctor so I could directly in the CT department. I really did not know what will happen to me, only that I again a CT should be given and this treatment mask would be made. The X-ray assistants told me that they first want to make the mask, and after the CT images are made. What I did not know was that the whole thing should go with a mask of Equip. More below.
The mask itself is a bit scary. For their production is initially placed about 60 to 60 cm plate in warm water to make them more pliable. It consists of a plaster-like plastic material, which is crisscrossed like a net with holes. I had to lie on the CT-in and got the now deformable plate on his face. It just felt warm and very unusual. The X-ray assistants then have immediately begun to model the plate close to my face. Since I suffer with slight claustrophobia, this was for me, even unpleasant process. Especially the mask solidifies after a short time and heightens the feeling of "his mercy". In addition, they will, as you can see in the image below, attached to a device on the head, making head movements finally impossible. The whole thing is, as already mentioned, to the fact that the rays arrive even where they are. The mask was cured after about 10 minutes. I lay on the bare and saw that the ceiling of the room, a laser is started, the scans my torso and head area. At regular intervals stopped this laser and the assistants began with markers markers to paint on the mask.
Finally, I was still in the middle of my chest a bar that serves as a guide, where the mask has to be set. I can not wash off this line to the end of therapy and therefore also got a waterproof plaster on it. Finally, I
was driven over the bare into the CT machine. I did not think it would happen to mask. I felt very uncomfortable in the situation because they had cut free me neither nose nor mouth and I got so bad air. also hardened the mask yet and I had felt Trouble swallowing. Maybe I've improved a bit in there - yet I find it hard to stay in such situations calmly. I'm just trying my best to concentrate on my breathing. Afterwards I thought that for such situations, it is really recommended if you have some experience in autogenous training and progressive muscle relaxation. Therefore, I've started since then to prepare myself every day about 15 minutes breathing exercises in this type of stress. I think that helps to reduce some anxiety and panic attacks reduced, I notice that brings me a lot.
The actual treatment took, but fortunately only a few minutes and it was ich schließlich von der Maske erlöst. Ich sah es als wichtig für mich an, meine Empfindungen zu erwähnen und die Assistentinnen versprachen mir, die Maske im Mund und Nasenbereich auszuschneiden. Darüber war ich wirklich sehr froh.
Zum Schluß wurde ich noch über den weiteren Verlauf informiert und lernte einen der Physiker kennen, die zusammen mit den Radioonkologen die Einstellungen für die Bestrahlung vornehmen. War wirklich ein netter Mann, der mir einige Ängste nehmen konnte. Am Donnerstag gehts dann also los. Zum Reinkommen erst mal 2 Tage und dann ab nächster Woche Vollgas. Ich kanns irgendwie kaum erwarten gesund zu werden ;-)
Wie es mir ergangen ist und was genau dabei abgelaufen ist erfahrt Ihr die kommenden Tage. Ich hoffe Euch gehts soweit gut.
Auf diesem letzten Bild seht Ihr übrigends, wie ein solches Strahlengerät aussieht. Der Strahlenkopf ist über einen Arm in Kreisrichtung schwenkbar und fährt so für die einzelnen Einstrahlungswinkel um die betroffene Region. In diesem Fall, wie bei mir, um den Kopf.
bis die Tage, machts jut!!
Lg Felix
So friends, so it's almost time now. On Thursday we start with my therapy. How did I mention I was last week Friday for the second time in Ruit. The date was set without consultation with the doctor so I could directly in the CT department. I really did not know what will happen to me, only that I again a CT should be given and this treatment mask would be made. The X-ray assistants told me that they first want to make the mask, and after the CT images are made. What I did not know was that the whole thing should go with a mask of Equip. More below.
The mask itself is a bit scary. For their production is initially placed about 60 to 60 cm plate in warm water to make them more pliable. It consists of a plaster-like plastic material, which is crisscrossed like a net with holes. I had to lie on the CT-in and got the now deformable plate on his face. It just felt warm and very unusual. The X-ray assistants then have immediately begun to model the plate close to my face. Since I suffer with slight claustrophobia, this was for me, even unpleasant process. Especially the mask solidifies after a short time and heightens the feeling of "his mercy". In addition, they will, as you can see in the image below, attached to a device on the head, making head movements finally impossible. The whole thing is, as already mentioned, to the fact that the rays arrive even where they are. The mask was cured after about 10 minutes. I lay on the bare and saw that the ceiling of the room, a laser is started, the scans my torso and head area. At regular intervals stopped this laser and the assistants began with markers markers to paint on the mask.
Finally, I was still in the middle of my chest a bar that serves as a guide, where the mask has to be set. I can not wash off this line to the end of therapy and therefore also got a waterproof plaster on it. Finally, I
was driven over the bare into the CT machine. I did not think it would happen to mask. I felt very uncomfortable in the situation because they had cut free me neither nose nor mouth and I got so bad air. also hardened the mask yet and I had felt Trouble swallowing. Maybe I've improved a bit in there - yet I find it hard to stay in such situations calmly. I'm just trying my best to concentrate on my breathing. Afterwards I thought that for such situations, it is really recommended if you have some experience in autogenous training and progressive muscle relaxation. Therefore, I've started since then to prepare myself every day about 15 minutes breathing exercises in this type of stress. I think that helps to reduce some anxiety and panic attacks reduced, I notice that brings me a lot.
The actual treatment took, but fortunately only a few minutes and it was ich schließlich von der Maske erlöst. Ich sah es als wichtig für mich an, meine Empfindungen zu erwähnen und die Assistentinnen versprachen mir, die Maske im Mund und Nasenbereich auszuschneiden. Darüber war ich wirklich sehr froh.
Zum Schluß wurde ich noch über den weiteren Verlauf informiert und lernte einen der Physiker kennen, die zusammen mit den Radioonkologen die Einstellungen für die Bestrahlung vornehmen. War wirklich ein netter Mann, der mir einige Ängste nehmen konnte. Am Donnerstag gehts dann also los. Zum Reinkommen erst mal 2 Tage und dann ab nächster Woche Vollgas. Ich kanns irgendwie kaum erwarten gesund zu werden ;-)
Wie es mir ergangen ist und was genau dabei abgelaufen ist erfahrt Ihr die kommenden Tage. Ich hoffe Euch gehts soweit gut.
Auf diesem letzten Bild seht Ihr übrigends, wie ein solches Strahlengerät aussieht. Der Strahlenkopf ist über einen Arm in Kreisrichtung schwenkbar und fährt so für die einzelnen Einstrahlungswinkel um die betroffene Region. In diesem Fall, wie bei mir, um den Kopf.
bis die Tage, machts jut!!
Lg Felix
Monday, March 2, 2009
Old Jeevan Suraksha Policy
5.5 weeks after diagnosis
Knapp 6 Wochen nach der Diagnose stehe ich nun unmittelbar vor dem Beginn meiner Therapie. Das Gespräch mit dem Chefarzt der Radioonkologie in Ruit verlief angenehm. Ich wurde ausgiebig über die anstehende Strahlentherapie aufgeklärt und bekam eine Übersicht über die anstehenden Wochen. Im Grunde läuft es ganz gemütlich an. Kommenden Freitag habe ich noch eine Voruntersuchung, bei der ein zusätzliches CT von meinem Hals und Kopf gemacht wird. Ich war zunächst etwas skeptisch, da ich ja erst vor einigen Wochen Ein CT machen lassen habe. Der Grund dafür ist aber einfach: Da ich in einer bestimmten Lage bestrahlt werde, dienen die CT-Bilder als Orientierungshilfe. Ihr könnt sie Euch als eine Art Bauplan vorstellen, der dazu dient mich genau zu vermessen. Die Bestrahlung findet aus mehreren Winkeln statt, die anhand der CT Bilder bestimmt werden können. Bei mir werden das 5 unterschiedliche Winkel sein. (deshalb auch das CT vom Kopf) Die Strahlen treffen sich dann in dem zu behandelten Punkt. One achieved by the healthy tissue is not too heavily loaded, but not enough is irradiated, as summed up the dose of the individual beams.
I am treated lying on their backs. It is very important is that I do not move during treatment as possible, otherwise the rays do not reach the desired location. Therefore, next Friday is also a face mask made of hard plastic, which I must bear with each treatment unit. It offers the therapist the opportunity to fix me on the couch so I can not move my head. In addition to markings can be made with the aid of the radiation machine in a few steps my exactly the required settings can be tuned. You have to imagine that every day in the therapy center 200-300 patients are treated. Durchzubekommen to this mass, the expense should be minimal for individual settings. For other types of cancer do you get these marks with a waterproof pen on the skin, which would look at me, the fact that I am treated in the face and neck, certainly very amusing.
my date for the first irradiating I have already received: on 12.03. start will be. I have 3 weeks of treatment. 5 days a week, the weekend will remain free as expected. The actual treatment process takes between 15 and 20 minutes Wreden go with most of the time for the positioning and settings on it. Afterwards I can already returned home. drive a car will probably not be there. Although I did not get a ban, but I would recommend it to anyone, because you must pay in case of an accident for the damage. I will therefore rely on the offer of health insurance and get a taxi service, pro despite an excess of 5 € ride.
with side effects I would expect especially towards the end of treatment, since the rays add up too a whole. Ie I would have received in the last week, the highest dose. I should certainly expect a response from the skin, usually like a sunburn will respond. Likewise, my parotid gland is affected, which means that I can get problems with the production of saliva, among which may also suffer my sense of taste is. Neck pain, local hair loss, loss of appetite and inflammation of the mouth and throat area are also relatively common.
Nevertheless, one can say that the side effects of radiation therapy with chemotherapy are hardly comparable, as in chemotherapy, the entire body suffers and radiation therapy really only the affected area is treated. So I can really lucky to be spared from chemotherapy.
make sport is fortunately also in there, but should I look out that I am not exaggerating. Swimming is unfortunately due to the chlorine, but go light jogging or cycling are in it and are also recommended. The endorphins it distributed would improve my mood and strengthen my immune system, but I did already ;-) I'm really curious how the whole thing will take place then. I was definitely glad to be well informed, since I just know exactly what is coming at me.
important for me to know how I really know whether the therapy has been hit or not. I learned that the affected cancer cells are very sensitive to radiation and my lymph nodes are swelling very quickly. For me, still quite unvorstellbar, schließlich habe ich nun über 4 Jahren mit einem geschwollenen Hals gelebt. In einigen Fällen kann es zwar passieren, dass die Lymphknoten durch die Behandlung vernarben und dadurch geschwollen bleiben, was aber angeblich sehr selten vorkommen soll.
Wie Ihr seht bin ich nun wieder einen Schritt weiter gekommen und bin wirklich froh, dass es endlich losgeht. Dankbar bin ich v.a. meinem Onkologen, der mir zu einem sehr schnellen Termin im Klinikum verholfen hat, da ich sonst, wegen Überfüllung (!) vor Ende März keinen Termin bekommen hätte.
Soviel zum aktuellen Stand. Am Freitag gehts dann also weiter, bis dato wünsch ich Euch (wie immer) eine angenehme Restwoche.
auf bald,
Knapp 6 Wochen nach der Diagnose stehe ich nun unmittelbar vor dem Beginn meiner Therapie. Das Gespräch mit dem Chefarzt der Radioonkologie in Ruit verlief angenehm. Ich wurde ausgiebig über die anstehende Strahlentherapie aufgeklärt und bekam eine Übersicht über die anstehenden Wochen. Im Grunde läuft es ganz gemütlich an. Kommenden Freitag habe ich noch eine Voruntersuchung, bei der ein zusätzliches CT von meinem Hals und Kopf gemacht wird. Ich war zunächst etwas skeptisch, da ich ja erst vor einigen Wochen Ein CT machen lassen habe. Der Grund dafür ist aber einfach: Da ich in einer bestimmten Lage bestrahlt werde, dienen die CT-Bilder als Orientierungshilfe. Ihr könnt sie Euch als eine Art Bauplan vorstellen, der dazu dient mich genau zu vermessen. Die Bestrahlung findet aus mehreren Winkeln statt, die anhand der CT Bilder bestimmt werden können. Bei mir werden das 5 unterschiedliche Winkel sein. (deshalb auch das CT vom Kopf) Die Strahlen treffen sich dann in dem zu behandelten Punkt. One achieved by the healthy tissue is not too heavily loaded, but not enough is irradiated, as summed up the dose of the individual beams.
I am treated lying on their backs. It is very important is that I do not move during treatment as possible, otherwise the rays do not reach the desired location. Therefore, next Friday is also a face mask made of hard plastic, which I must bear with each treatment unit. It offers the therapist the opportunity to fix me on the couch so I can not move my head. In addition to markings can be made with the aid of the radiation machine in a few steps my exactly the required settings can be tuned. You have to imagine that every day in the therapy center 200-300 patients are treated. Durchzubekommen to this mass, the expense should be minimal for individual settings. For other types of cancer do you get these marks with a waterproof pen on the skin, which would look at me, the fact that I am treated in the face and neck, certainly very amusing.
my date for the first irradiating I have already received: on 12.03. start will be. I have 3 weeks of treatment. 5 days a week, the weekend will remain free as expected. The actual treatment process takes between 15 and 20 minutes Wreden go with most of the time for the positioning and settings on it. Afterwards I can already returned home. drive a car will probably not be there. Although I did not get a ban, but I would recommend it to anyone, because you must pay in case of an accident for the damage. I will therefore rely on the offer of health insurance and get a taxi service, pro despite an excess of 5 € ride.
with side effects I would expect especially towards the end of treatment, since the rays add up too a whole. Ie I would have received in the last week, the highest dose. I should certainly expect a response from the skin, usually like a sunburn will respond. Likewise, my parotid gland is affected, which means that I can get problems with the production of saliva, among which may also suffer my sense of taste is. Neck pain, local hair loss, loss of appetite and inflammation of the mouth and throat area are also relatively common.
Nevertheless, one can say that the side effects of radiation therapy with chemotherapy are hardly comparable, as in chemotherapy, the entire body suffers and radiation therapy really only the affected area is treated. So I can really lucky to be spared from chemotherapy.
make sport is fortunately also in there, but should I look out that I am not exaggerating. Swimming is unfortunately due to the chlorine, but go light jogging or cycling are in it and are also recommended. The endorphins it distributed would improve my mood and strengthen my immune system, but I did already ;-) I'm really curious how the whole thing will take place then. I was definitely glad to be well informed, since I just know exactly what is coming at me.
important for me to know how I really know whether the therapy has been hit or not. I learned that the affected cancer cells are very sensitive to radiation and my lymph nodes are swelling very quickly. For me, still quite unvorstellbar, schließlich habe ich nun über 4 Jahren mit einem geschwollenen Hals gelebt. In einigen Fällen kann es zwar passieren, dass die Lymphknoten durch die Behandlung vernarben und dadurch geschwollen bleiben, was aber angeblich sehr selten vorkommen soll.
Wie Ihr seht bin ich nun wieder einen Schritt weiter gekommen und bin wirklich froh, dass es endlich losgeht. Dankbar bin ich v.a. meinem Onkologen, der mir zu einem sehr schnellen Termin im Klinikum verholfen hat, da ich sonst, wegen Überfüllung (!) vor Ende März keinen Termin bekommen hätte.
Soviel zum aktuellen Stand. Am Freitag gehts dann also weiter, bis dato wünsch ich Euch (wie immer) eine angenehme Restwoche.
auf bald,
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