WebDesign the Mac I think every blog that has dealt with the design and development of websites, an article on development environments and tools required. Therefore, I will introduce at this point even my favorite tools.
about a week ago I switched from Windows to Mac OS. I have nothing against Microsoft, after all, I have worked for years with it and it really had no problem. Mac computers have a certain simple elegance that appeals to me, and Mac OS is a well designed system that makes it easier for the user simply because it hides the ugly processes well.
The price of a new MacBook is of course only once terrifying, I've daber zunächst ein gebrauchtes MacBook über ebay besorgt.
Installiert ist dort Mac OS X 10.5.8. Es handelt sich um einen 2GHz Intel Core Duo Prozessor mit 2GB Arbeitsspeicher und einer 150GB Festplatte sowie DVD-R Laufwerk. Für meine Zwecke völlig ausreichend. Welche Werkzeuge setze ich ein ?
Photoshop Natürlich Photoshop. Ich besitze zwar nur eine etwas angestaubte Photoshop CS Lizenz, aber bisher I needed an upgrade. Before I buy a newer version, but I will deal strictly with intense
Gimp. Maybe I can work with it.
Espresso On Windows I have ever worked with
KomodoEdit and was really happy with it. Before I switched, I have read some about development environments on the Mac and I'm apart of espresso. I was immediately in love. It is simple and clear but I can not miss this important function. Ok, the price of just under 60 € mag abschreckend sein, geht aber völlig in Ordnung.
MAMP Ok, hierzu braucht man nicht viel zu sagen. Apache, MySQL, PHP ... essentiell.
Firefox mit diversen Plugins Firefox hat sich unter WebDesignern zum quasi-Standard entwickelt. Der Safari gefällt mir auch sehr gut, aber unschlagbar sind beim Firefox einfach die verfügbaren Plugins . Ich weiß garnicht mehr, was ich ohne Firebug oder die WebDeveloperTools machen würde. Ansonsten finde ich Colorzilla noch recht praktisch. 5)
Pixus ( Adobe Air ) Pixus is actually quite simple. A 2D ruler for measuring. Point. Nothing more, nothing less. I put it but a day.
Evernote Evernote now has only partly to do with web design, but as a notebook it is irreplaceable for me. Here I take code snippets, links to interesting articles in Network or to-do lists for projects. I use Evernote for all these things and have the opportunity to access from another machine on the data because Evernote syncs notes with a server account. That is the reason why you have to sign up.
am Fortunately, I installed still in possession of a small netbooks on the Windows 7. I hereby have the opportunity to test my pages with Internet Explorer 8 and using the IETesters on older versions.
short, the web design on a Mac for me is not necessarily efficient, but better:)