Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baby Oil Dries My Skin

3.5 weeks to 2.5 weeks after the diagnosis

Sorry guys, that your so on the nächsten Post warten mußtet, aber in den letzten Tagen ist wirklich nicht so viel erwähnenswertes passiert. Habe seit meinem letzten Eintrag einige wichtige organisatorische Dinge erledigen können. U.a. habe ich mir einiges Info-Material über meinen Krebs von der deutschen Krebshilfe schicken lassen. Wirklich sehr gute Infos zu Thema, mit einigen Anregungen für einen guten Umgang mit der Krankheit. Kann man sich alles kostenfrei übers Internet schicken lassen, is echt ne gute Sache. So nach und nach bekommt man also ein Bild von der Krankheit und man erkennt, was eigentlich alles dahinter steckt, was es bedeutet schwer krank zu sein. Dadurch, dass ich körperlich in einem guten Zustand bin, ist mir das schon ein wenig schwer gefallen, to accept the Sun After all, the diagnosis of lymphatic cancer, would be so crass as it sounds, 30 years ago was a death sentence even for me.
Now I want to tell you briefly about my last three days:
As some of you may know, is one of the possible side effects of chemotherapy, sterility, that is infertility. For each male patient, it can happen that are destroyed by the chemo not only diseased cells but also healthy cells with low resistance (including root hair cells, so the possible loss of hair). Sperm are in this category. Therefore, one which mostly oncologists advise you about einen möglichen Kinderwunsch Gedanken zu machen. Obwohl für beinahe alle männlichen Patienten die Wahrscheinlichkeit sehr gering ist, dauerhaft unfruchtbar zu bleiben (wenn man nicht schon unfruchtbar ist), kommt es doch in einigen Fällen vor. Außerdem liegt die durchschnittliche Regenerationszeit von Samenzellen im Bereich zwischen 5 und 10 Jahren, je nach Intensität der Therapie und wer möchte schon wie in meinem Fall erst mit 35 Vater werden? So wie ich Euch kenne – mit Sicherheit einige ;-)
Um verhindern zu können, dass man niemals Vater wird, gibt es die Möglichkeit des Eingefrierens von Samenzellen. Genau das habe ich die letzten 3 Tage gemacht. Also ab in die Hautklinik der Uni Tübingen, dann ans competent laboratory relayed been and from there we went from famous to those infamous cabin: You can imagine not looked like this: I guess its size times to just under 3 by 3 feet, just enough room for a bed and a chair, runtergelassenem a window with shutters and a bright neon light, which started after about 4 minutes to flicker. Not exactly the most romantic mood to focus on his best friend. Oh man, the first time hats a bit taken, especially to me at first herumgeschwirrt nor the medical technical assistant in the laboratory in the head, which was about 60 and looked like the witch from Hansel and Gretel. And damn - you Not tried before, at the right moment to take in a tube has a circumference of about 4 cm ????!! Its not that easy my friends, I'll tell you ;-) After 15 minutes, I was finally ready and I've moved quickly unremarkable.
Well, anyway, I had to give up within 3 days, 3 samples, one of which was tested for my sperm count and their motility, so if I'm ever procreate. My Result: Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: 35 million sperm, which are well shot about the only way in the eyepiece of the microscope, looking for an egg to fertilize. No kidding - who would have had a great mobility. Well, but we are glad. Gell, treasure ;-) ?
The other two charges then it was already better, just that I unfortunately only at the end of my second "act" notes the porn magazines under the bed that support me in my business, ought to have - DAMNED -
;-) This morning, then nor the last test given, and now they go to a laboratory in Koblenz, where I signed a contract for nitrogen storage, which will cost me about 350 Euros a year. Nevertheless, I think it was worth the effort.
Yes - and this afternoon we went, finally, everything
sonography and final interview before therapy. The sound was extremely positive, according to my oncologist really affected only the right neck area, but this pretty hard. With a special method, he could represent the blood flow through that area, which is reflected in a good picture of the activity of the immune system. Were really impressive shots. The result is, finally, that I am ill on the first, ie lowest stage. Although I have had some luck, because the doctor had told me that the preliminary findings of the bone marrow results were positive. The fourth would Stage means. Fortunately, this finding also went to a special lab, probably to Ulm, the retired and this diagnosis has assured that the bone marrow is not affected. You see how important a second opinion in such Cases.
is based on the therapy is that I probably, if everything goes well with health insurance, as expected, a weaker chemotherapy - in combination with the antibody therapy get, and finally - to be really sure that no malignant cells are no more - a radiotherapy.
They are definitely the recommendation of my oncologist. These results and those of my whole "staging" go now to the reference center in Cologne, which then, in consultation with specialists who have worked on include studies on Hodgkin will make a final treatment decision. As all expected, I will next Weeks out, so that when it's going well over the next week can begin the therapy.
As you can see, I can be really happy that we have recognized the disease so early. So I want you finally give up the way that if you someday ill with something unusual your heart do you seek in any case a second opinion and should not let you get rid of so quickly.
how important this can be, you can see in my case.
Otherwise I wish you all a relaxing on weekends and a good time -
Get me back to you again next week if there is something new.
you feel embraced dicks
your Felix


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