4.5 weeks after diagnosis
Wow, now it's really been 4.5 weeks since her diagnosis. Oh man time flies really just flying. Meanwhile, the constant waiting is over and I'm finally on the current state of affairs:
My hopes have been fulfilled and I am immensely happy to be only in the stage of disease 1A (A means that I have at no Nebebsymptome as night sweats or weight loss. .
The whole thing has a demensprechend affect my treatment and means that I am even spared chemotherapy. My oncologist said that I would be treated with chemotherapy well, that you would break with me more than cure. This is probably mainly from the lower stages.
the call from my specialist I got last week. Before, I had to be measured my blood cells sedimentation rate (how fast the blood to the serum). This works on a routine and I knew a few hours later that all was well with me in the frame. Would not this been so, had the can negatively affect my stage.
I learned that I finally "only" get radiation therapy. It is recommended that in addition to antibody therapy, but unfortunately only in combination will give me chemo paid by health insurance. The reason is that, unfortunately far too little are studies on the efficiency of antibody therapy and she is very very expensive. Total (€ 10000) That it is in itself only in acute cases, which are paid at a higher stage.
I originally had the idea to participate in a study in order to get the best possible treatment methods, but unfortunately in this area are currently no open study found. Moreover, one would thus have a kind of "guinea pigs", despite the possibility at any time to withdraw from the study ... Well, I still trust my doctors and I hope that it is done with radiation therapy for me. You wonder how this will certainly look like, so here a brief description:
Radiation therapy is the direct destruction of cancer cells. It can be used to cure the cancer, but also - as so-called palliative care - to treat symptoms in advanced disease.
The radioactive rays are shot and penetrate into the cell. A part of them reaches the DNA is damaged by the fire. This does not mean the death of the cell - but it is a program error generates, the "remembers" the DNS. The error affects mainly when the cancer cell divides again. She passes the error on both resulting cells.
Since radiation treatments are used several times done the same at the next Treatment. The cancer cells can for the most part still divide a few times, at one of the following cell divisions they die but in the end, because the make too many errors accumulate haben.Grundsätzlich radioactive no difference between healthy cells and cancer cells, the latter are much through the often extremely high growth rate sensitive than the predominantly slow-growing healthy tissue. Healthy cells have an additional repair mechanism better than cancer cells and can compensate for the bug better. Also in the
Strahlentherpie may be some side effects but depending on the degree of exposure, the place and my condition:
Some people connect no or almost no side effects, others again to respond strongly to treatment. Some side effects were fatigue, anorexia, local hair loss, nausea / vomiting, inflammation of the throat and skin changes. How do I take the whole thing will remain to be seen.
with me now goes further as follows: Tomorrow I have my first appointment with the radiation oncologist, radiation oncologist then at the Paracelsus Clinic in Ruit. by First there will be a preliminary discussion and it discussed some findings (CT scans, the final report from the oncologist, etc.) after being irradiated will determine how much, that is, how much Gray. This maximum number of Gray will be in divided doses over several weeks. In general, 4-6 weeks á irradiated 5 days a week. The weekend is free, so that the healthy cells can recover. Nevertheless, the whole must take place during the week, without interruption, otherwise the growth cycle of the cancer cells can not be bothered enough.
After determining the max. Gray figure has to be determined exactly where must be betsrahlt. (On CT images) Afterwards, a sample irradiation and determined finally made a new start date when the actual irradiation. I will then probably be able to report tomorrow everything.
I hope you with some explanations are not bored too much, but I know that some of you interested, so the detail. Other than that I is actually jut. Have has started again with the sport and realize how much I missed the balance. 'm Just glad it finally move on and that - should there be any complications - may be possible for me to study again in mid-April. Nevertheless, I would not rush to address and "step by step" things.
Up daro I wish you pleasant rest ne week - you do not let too much stress - there simply are more important things in life ;-)
I let the days to hear from me!
Take care, Felix
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Baby Oil Dries My Skin
3.5 weeks to 2.5 weeks after the diagnosis
Sorry guys, that your so on the nächsten Post warten mußtet, aber in den letzten Tagen ist wirklich nicht so viel erwähnenswertes passiert. Habe seit meinem letzten Eintrag einige wichtige organisatorische Dinge erledigen können. U.a. habe ich mir einiges Info-Material über meinen Krebs von der deutschen Krebshilfe schicken lassen. Wirklich sehr gute Infos zu Thema, mit einigen Anregungen für einen guten Umgang mit der Krankheit. Kann man sich alles kostenfrei übers Internet schicken lassen, is echt ne gute Sache. So nach und nach bekommt man also ein Bild von der Krankheit und man erkennt, was eigentlich alles dahinter steckt, was es bedeutet schwer krank zu sein. Dadurch, dass ich körperlich in einem guten Zustand bin, ist mir das schon ein wenig schwer gefallen, to accept the Sun After all, the diagnosis of lymphatic cancer, would be so crass as it sounds, 30 years ago was a death sentence even for me.
Now I want to tell you briefly about my last three days:
As some of you may know, is one of the possible side effects of chemotherapy, sterility, that is infertility. For each male patient, it can happen that are destroyed by the chemo not only diseased cells but also healthy cells with low resistance (including root hair cells, so the possible loss of hair). Sperm are in this category. Therefore, one which mostly oncologists advise you about einen möglichen Kinderwunsch Gedanken zu machen. Obwohl für beinahe alle männlichen Patienten die Wahrscheinlichkeit sehr gering ist, dauerhaft unfruchtbar zu bleiben (wenn man nicht schon unfruchtbar ist), kommt es doch in einigen Fällen vor. Außerdem liegt die durchschnittliche Regenerationszeit von Samenzellen im Bereich zwischen 5 und 10 Jahren, je nach Intensität der Therapie und wer möchte schon wie in meinem Fall erst mit 35 Vater werden? So wie ich Euch kenne – mit Sicherheit einige ;-)
Um verhindern zu können, dass man niemals Vater wird, gibt es die Möglichkeit des Eingefrierens von Samenzellen. Genau das habe ich die letzten 3 Tage gemacht. Also ab in die Hautklinik der Uni Tübingen, dann ans competent laboratory relayed been and from there we went from famous to those infamous cabin: You can imagine not looked like this: I guess its size times to just under 3 by 3 feet, just enough room for a bed and a chair, runtergelassenem a window with shutters and a bright neon light, which started after about 4 minutes to flicker. Not exactly the most romantic mood to focus on his best friend. Oh man, the first time hats a bit taken, especially to me at first herumgeschwirrt nor the medical technical assistant in the laboratory in the head, which was about 60 and looked like the witch from Hansel and Gretel. And damn - you Not tried before, at the right moment to take in a tube has a circumference of about 4 cm ????!! Its not that easy my friends, I'll tell you ;-) After 15 minutes, I was finally ready and I've moved quickly unremarkable.
Well, anyway, I had to give up within 3 days, 3 samples, one of which was tested for my sperm count and their motility, so if I'm ever procreate. My Result: Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: 35 million sperm, which are well shot about the only way in the eyepiece of the microscope, looking for an egg to fertilize. No kidding - who would have had a great mobility. Well, but we are glad. Gell, treasure ;-) ?
The other two charges then it was already better, just that I unfortunately only at the end of my second "act" notes the porn magazines under the bed that support me in my business, ought to have - DAMNED -
;-) This morning, then nor the last test given, and now they go to a laboratory in Koblenz, where I signed a contract for nitrogen storage, which will cost me about 350 Euros a year. Nevertheless, I think it was worth the effort.
Yes - and this afternoon we went, finally, everything
sonography and final interview before therapy. The sound was extremely positive, according to my oncologist really affected only the right neck area, but this pretty hard. With a special method, he could represent the blood flow through that area, which is reflected in a good picture of the activity of the immune system. Were really impressive shots. The result is, finally, that I am ill on the first, ie lowest stage. Although I have had some luck, because the doctor had told me that the preliminary findings of the bone marrow results were positive. The fourth would Stage means. Fortunately, this finding also went to a special lab, probably to Ulm, the retired and this diagnosis has assured that the bone marrow is not affected. You see how important a second opinion in such Cases.
is based on the therapy is that I probably, if everything goes well with health insurance, as expected, a weaker chemotherapy - in combination with the antibody therapy get, and finally - to be really sure that no malignant cells are no more - a radiotherapy.
They are definitely the recommendation of my oncologist. These results and those of my whole "staging" go now to the reference center in Cologne, which then, in consultation with specialists who have worked on include studies on Hodgkin will make a final treatment decision. As all expected, I will next Weeks out, so that when it's going well over the next week can begin the therapy.
As you can see, I can be really happy that we have recognized the disease so early. So I want you finally give up the way that if you someday ill with something unusual your heart do you seek in any case a second opinion and should not let you get rid of so quickly.
how important this can be, you can see in my case.
Otherwise I wish you all a relaxing on weekends and a good time -
Get me back to you again next week if there is something new.
you feel embraced dicks
your Felix
Sorry guys, that your so on the nächsten Post warten mußtet, aber in den letzten Tagen ist wirklich nicht so viel erwähnenswertes passiert. Habe seit meinem letzten Eintrag einige wichtige organisatorische Dinge erledigen können. U.a. habe ich mir einiges Info-Material über meinen Krebs von der deutschen Krebshilfe schicken lassen. Wirklich sehr gute Infos zu Thema, mit einigen Anregungen für einen guten Umgang mit der Krankheit. Kann man sich alles kostenfrei übers Internet schicken lassen, is echt ne gute Sache. So nach und nach bekommt man also ein Bild von der Krankheit und man erkennt, was eigentlich alles dahinter steckt, was es bedeutet schwer krank zu sein. Dadurch, dass ich körperlich in einem guten Zustand bin, ist mir das schon ein wenig schwer gefallen, to accept the Sun After all, the diagnosis of lymphatic cancer, would be so crass as it sounds, 30 years ago was a death sentence even for me.
Now I want to tell you briefly about my last three days:
As some of you may know, is one of the possible side effects of chemotherapy, sterility, that is infertility. For each male patient, it can happen that are destroyed by the chemo not only diseased cells but also healthy cells with low resistance (including root hair cells, so the possible loss of hair). Sperm are in this category. Therefore, one which mostly oncologists advise you about einen möglichen Kinderwunsch Gedanken zu machen. Obwohl für beinahe alle männlichen Patienten die Wahrscheinlichkeit sehr gering ist, dauerhaft unfruchtbar zu bleiben (wenn man nicht schon unfruchtbar ist), kommt es doch in einigen Fällen vor. Außerdem liegt die durchschnittliche Regenerationszeit von Samenzellen im Bereich zwischen 5 und 10 Jahren, je nach Intensität der Therapie und wer möchte schon wie in meinem Fall erst mit 35 Vater werden? So wie ich Euch kenne – mit Sicherheit einige ;-)
Um verhindern zu können, dass man niemals Vater wird, gibt es die Möglichkeit des Eingefrierens von Samenzellen. Genau das habe ich die letzten 3 Tage gemacht. Also ab in die Hautklinik der Uni Tübingen, dann ans competent laboratory relayed been and from there we went from famous to those infamous cabin: You can imagine not looked like this: I guess its size times to just under 3 by 3 feet, just enough room for a bed and a chair, runtergelassenem a window with shutters and a bright neon light, which started after about 4 minutes to flicker. Not exactly the most romantic mood to focus on his best friend. Oh man, the first time hats a bit taken, especially to me at first herumgeschwirrt nor the medical technical assistant in the laboratory in the head, which was about 60 and looked like the witch from Hansel and Gretel. And damn - you Not tried before, at the right moment to take in a tube has a circumference of about 4 cm ????!! Its not that easy my friends, I'll tell you ;-) After 15 minutes, I was finally ready and I've moved quickly unremarkable.
Well, anyway, I had to give up within 3 days, 3 samples, one of which was tested for my sperm count and their motility, so if I'm ever procreate. My Result: Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: 35 million sperm, which are well shot about the only way in the eyepiece of the microscope, looking for an egg to fertilize. No kidding - who would have had a great mobility. Well, but we are glad. Gell, treasure ;-) ?
The other two charges then it was already better, just that I unfortunately only at the end of my second "act" notes the porn magazines under the bed that support me in my business, ought to have - DAMNED -
;-) This morning, then nor the last test given, and now they go to a laboratory in Koblenz, where I signed a contract for nitrogen storage, which will cost me about 350 Euros a year. Nevertheless, I think it was worth the effort.
Yes - and this afternoon we went, finally, everything
sonography and final interview before therapy. The sound was extremely positive, according to my oncologist really affected only the right neck area, but this pretty hard. With a special method, he could represent the blood flow through that area, which is reflected in a good picture of the activity of the immune system. Were really impressive shots. The result is, finally, that I am ill on the first, ie lowest stage. Although I have had some luck, because the doctor had told me that the preliminary findings of the bone marrow results were positive. The fourth would Stage means. Fortunately, this finding also went to a special lab, probably to Ulm, the retired and this diagnosis has assured that the bone marrow is not affected. You see how important a second opinion in such Cases.
is based on the therapy is that I probably, if everything goes well with health insurance, as expected, a weaker chemotherapy - in combination with the antibody therapy get, and finally - to be really sure that no malignant cells are no more - a radiotherapy.
They are definitely the recommendation of my oncologist. These results and those of my whole "staging" go now to the reference center in Cologne, which then, in consultation with specialists who have worked on include studies on Hodgkin will make a final treatment decision. As all expected, I will next Weeks out, so that when it's going well over the next week can begin the therapy.
As you can see, I can be really happy that we have recognized the disease so early. So I want you finally give up the way that if you someday ill with something unusual your heart do you seek in any case a second opinion and should not let you get rid of so quickly.
how important this can be, you can see in my case.
Otherwise I wish you all a relaxing on weekends and a good time -
Get me back to you again next week if there is something new.
you feel embraced dicks
your Felix
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Golden Spoon Online Appliation
the diagnosis
Hey You,
has now been happening a lot. At least for the "stageing" terms. I am for now with my doctor visits by and I have as mentioned been consistently positive results. Now the only missing from the bone marrow and thus the ultrasound sonography (I get on 13.02. In the final interview)
My lungs are also perfectly fine, so I would be prepared for the therapy. Let's see already what to expect as this to me. Got to hear quite a few in the waiting rooms. Is really pronounced as some people simply go on it to tell how badly they do it through the chemo and how bad life but actually is. Can only shake his head. Sure, there are several side effects such as hair loss, nausea, diarrhea, etc., which burden a mainly psychological, but you can still see it as a process of healing. As a good fight, in which time was now to expect such a thing. Every body reacts differently to such a charge. We will see how hard that is with me.
I would now take even the opportunity to tell you a little more about my exact diagnosis: I'm in the so-called "nodular lymphozytenprädominanten Hodgkin's lymphoma" diseased.
Lymphozytenprädominant is, in my specific lymphocytes (CD20), ie white Blood cells from cancer cells are affected.
During the 80-year biological and clinical studies have shown that the Hodgkin's lymphoma can occur in several different ways: including as nodular lymphozytenprädominantes Hodgkin's lymphoma and a classic Hodgkin's lymphoma. The differences lie mainly in clinical characteristics, their immunophenotypes, their molecular genetics, its relationship to Epstein-Barr virus and its natural course. According to the WHO classification on average 95% of cancer patients on classical Hodgkin lymphoma, and only 5% of nodular lymphozytenprädominanten Hodgkin lymphoma. In general, these are mainly men aged between 30 and 50 years. You see So I lie a little below average, which could ultimately have a positive effect on my course of therapy.
For the remainder of it for now is that my pending results of the bone marrow examination (blood and tissue from the bone marrow) and sonography fails as expected, well, it improves my chances of one of the low stage (I or II) diagnosed get . Ie the lower the stage, the better the chances of recovery and lower doses, the Tharpie.
Here is an brief overview of the stages: Stage I
The cancer is only in the area found a lymph node area or outside in just one area or organ the lymph nodes.
stage II
Either of the following applies:
Cancer is found in one or more lymph node areas, located on the side of the diaphragm.
The cancer is found only in one area or organ and the surrounding lymph nodes.
more lymph node regions on the same side of the diaphragm may be affected by cancer.
stage III
The cancer is in lymph node areas on both sides found the diaphragm. The cancer may have spread to one area or organ near the lymph node area and / or the spleen.
stage IV
Either of the following must apply at Stage IV: The cancer
hat sich auf mehr als einer Stelle auf eine Organ oder Organe außerhalb des Lymphsystems ausgebreitet.Unabhängig davon ob in den diese Organe benachbarten Lymphknoten Krebszellen gefunden werden oder nicht.
Der Krebs hat sich auf nur ein Organ außerhalb des Lymphsystems ausgebreitet, aber auch entfernt liegende Lymphknoten sind befallen.
Wie Ihr seht stehen auch hier meine Chancen ganz gut, da ich mich laut den aktuellen Ergebnissen auf einem guten Weg befinde. Soweit also zum aktuellen Stand.
Ansonsten geht’s mir eigentlich gut. Hänge halt zuhause rum und versuche mir bestmögliche Beschäftigungen zu suchen. Versuche gerade mir mal einige Gedanken für meine Wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit zu machen (Voraussetzung for the present state examination), maybe I can use the time to even read some literature and to make ne structure completed. I certainly hope that your exams are going well and you well. Ye can not something be hearing from you. For my part, it's off on 13.02. further.
Oh yes, you have also a CT image from my collection (over 500 images) picked out by you can see the lymph nodes as a gray, round objects in the red circle. It looks really worn out ;-)
To date, I wish you a pleasant rest adjusts week, on you!
Hey You,
has now been happening a lot. At least for the "stageing" terms. I am for now with my doctor visits by and I have as mentioned been consistently positive results. Now the only missing from the bone marrow and thus the ultrasound sonography (I get on 13.02. In the final interview)
My lungs are also perfectly fine, so I would be prepared for the therapy. Let's see already what to expect as this to me. Got to hear quite a few in the waiting rooms. Is really pronounced as some people simply go on it to tell how badly they do it through the chemo and how bad life but actually is. Can only shake his head. Sure, there are several side effects such as hair loss, nausea, diarrhea, etc., which burden a mainly psychological, but you can still see it as a process of healing. As a good fight, in which time was now to expect such a thing. Every body reacts differently to such a charge. We will see how hard that is with me.
I would now take even the opportunity to tell you a little more about my exact diagnosis: I'm in the so-called "nodular lymphozytenprädominanten Hodgkin's lymphoma" diseased.
Lymphozytenprädominant is, in my specific lymphocytes (CD20), ie white Blood cells from cancer cells are affected.
During the 80-year biological and clinical studies have shown that the Hodgkin's lymphoma can occur in several different ways: including as nodular lymphozytenprädominantes Hodgkin's lymphoma and a classic Hodgkin's lymphoma. The differences lie mainly in clinical characteristics, their immunophenotypes, their molecular genetics, its relationship to Epstein-Barr virus and its natural course. According to the WHO classification on average 95% of cancer patients on classical Hodgkin lymphoma, and only 5% of nodular lymphozytenprädominanten Hodgkin lymphoma. In general, these are mainly men aged between 30 and 50 years. You see So I lie a little below average, which could ultimately have a positive effect on my course of therapy.
For the remainder of it for now is that my pending results of the bone marrow examination (blood and tissue from the bone marrow) and sonography fails as expected, well, it improves my chances of one of the low stage (I or II) diagnosed get . Ie the lower the stage, the better the chances of recovery and lower doses, the Tharpie.
Here is an brief overview of the stages: Stage I
The cancer is only in the area found a lymph node area or outside in just one area or organ the lymph nodes.
stage II
Either of the following applies:
Cancer is found in one or more lymph node areas, located on the side of the diaphragm.
The cancer is found only in one area or organ and the surrounding lymph nodes.
more lymph node regions on the same side of the diaphragm may be affected by cancer.
stage III
The cancer is in lymph node areas on both sides found the diaphragm. The cancer may have spread to one area or organ near the lymph node area and / or the spleen.
stage IV
Either of the following must apply at Stage IV: The cancer
hat sich auf mehr als einer Stelle auf eine Organ oder Organe außerhalb des Lymphsystems ausgebreitet.Unabhängig davon ob in den diese Organe benachbarten Lymphknoten Krebszellen gefunden werden oder nicht.
Der Krebs hat sich auf nur ein Organ außerhalb des Lymphsystems ausgebreitet, aber auch entfernt liegende Lymphknoten sind befallen.
Wie Ihr seht stehen auch hier meine Chancen ganz gut, da ich mich laut den aktuellen Ergebnissen auf einem guten Weg befinde. Soweit also zum aktuellen Stand.
Ansonsten geht’s mir eigentlich gut. Hänge halt zuhause rum und versuche mir bestmögliche Beschäftigungen zu suchen. Versuche gerade mir mal einige Gedanken für meine Wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit zu machen (Voraussetzung for the present state examination), maybe I can use the time to even read some literature and to make ne structure completed. I certainly hope that your exams are going well and you well. Ye can not something be hearing from you. For my part, it's off on 13.02. further.
Oh yes, you have also a CT image from my collection (over 500 images) picked out by you can see the lymph nodes as a gray, round objects in the red circle. It looks really worn out ;-)
To date, I wish you a pleasant rest adjusts week, on you!
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