The loyal fans of the Mozilla Suite can rejoice: The SeaMonkey team yesterday the release of SeaMonkey 1.0 announced. SeaMonkey is the successor of the venerable Netscape and is available for Windows, MacOS X and Linux.
Last year, the Mozilla Foundation announced In setting them was the development of the Mozilla Suite, SeaMonkey its internal name, would. They wanted to focus on core products such as Firefox, Thunderbird and Camino, for support should be provided but still.
In true open-source project-style were found together developers and then began a project that was dedicated to the advancement of the suite. After they had found a name for the new project, created a new logo , there were some alpha and beta versions, and now it is time for the first public version.
Like the original Mozilla Suite Firefox Web browser, an e-mail program, an IRC client to chat, an address book and a website editor. All these program elements have been Mozilla 1.7.12. been improved.
The new version provides the following functions:
- Tabs can now drag and drop "back and forth
- When you close a tab, the browser goes to the tab you were last selected. This is done under two conditions: they have chosen no other area tabs or opened, the current tab has been open since and you have the settings in "Focus on new tabs that open from the left." set. This functionality will also be included in Firefox 2.0 ..
- support for vector graphics format SVG
- Automatic saving of draft messages, select the highlighted
- The Enter key begins with creating a message, a new paragraph appears
- The menu entry for Chatzilla now in place, even if mail is not installed. There
Our congratulations git the SeaMonkey team for its first version!
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