Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini (* May 29, 1439 in Siena, † October 18, 1503 in Rome) was under the name Pius III. Pope of 22 September 1503 until 18 Oktober 1503rd
Pius III.
Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini was born in Tuscany, the son of the lawyer Giovanni de Todeschini Piccolomini Laodomia and his wife, who had been a sister of Pope Pius II. Up Today, the Italian municipalities Pienza, Siena and Sarteano argue about which of them is the birthplace of the Pope. The majority of historical sources, however, goes out of Siena.
Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini had five brothers and two sisters. He was the second son of his parents. Already very early in his uncle Pope Pius II, an interest in a spiritual career had expressed for him.
Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini studied in Vienna and Perugia law. He graduated with the degree Dr. jur. . Can in Perugia. His uncle, Pope Pius II named him after his election to the canons in Siena and in 1459 Bishop of Siena. On 5 March 1460 Pope Pius II named him a cardinal.
While an absence of Pope Pius II in 1464 Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini was the administrator of the Papal States. Through his uncle, Pius II, he learned the German language. This he managed to develop many useful contacts. He was after the death of his uncle under the pontificate of Pope Paul II, Sixtus IV and Innocent VIII was a frequent representative of German interests in the Curia. His contemporaries called him so often the Protector Nationis Germanicae.
In 1471 he went as papal legate to the Diet of Regensburg, where he could brush up a lot of old contacts, under others, even the Habsburgs. In 1494 he led a diplomatic mission to the court of King Charles VIII of France.
Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini was a big art lover and patron. He was assigned in June 1502 Michelangelo to create 15 statues for the Cathedral of Siena.
On 22 September 1503 he was elected by the conclave of the new pope. The name of Pius III. he chose in memory of his uncle. As early as the 13th October 1503 was Pius III. However, bedridden, he was tormented by the gout, and his office could not pursue active, the episodes of gout, he then also died on 18 Oktober 1503rd Because of his short pontificate was there on rumors that the pope was been poisoned, from today's perspective, these rumors are not tenable.
He was laid to rest next to Pope Pius II in Sant 'Andrea della Valle.
Link: Pius_III. (Pope)
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