What is a paradigm? The word paradigm (Pl: Paradigms or paradigms) comes from the Greek and means example, example, pattern remember (better prime example, even if it does not always), or demarcation.
The word is used in science, technology and economy with very different meanings, in particular for example in computers or the management literature.
It is less for a comprehensive world-view or view, as in the original (epistemological) sense, as a special, focused perspective on a (possibly essential) aspect of each subject area. For example, from the paradigm of "software reuse", from the paradigm of "team work" or "lean production" (engl. Lean Production) spoken.
In the most general sense the word is thus used as a synonym for any thinking or (often required) consensus in the group-think. Advertising or marketing use the term paradigm to make products appear to be particularly new and innovative, and thus to gain more attention.
paradigm was
What is a hospital church? Who was Lewis Morris Rutherfurd The church is a hospital charitable foundation in the Middle Ages . They were mostly hospitals, nursing homes or nursing homes. The word hospital or hospital is derived from the Latin hospes (stranger) from. It originally referred to the mostly Christian-led charity houses.
After late medieval ideas required nursing high ceilings, good ventilation and continuous monitoring. These were added to the churches through galleries or high-level walkways. In hospital churches allowed, the patient also the view of the high altar. Also offered them the opportunity to witness and worship services to strengthen the mental powers. Some also harbored hope for a miracle. These foundations were very popular in the Middle Ages, for it was believed that by doing good deeds to the poor be forgiven in this world, the sins in the afterlife.
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Lewis Morris Rutherfurd (born November 25, 1816 in Morrisania, NY; † 30 May 1892 in Tranquility, NJ) was a American astrophysicist. He was a pioneer in celestial photography.
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What is a psychic reaction? The experience means a reaction experience and behavior that is understandable and empathy.
A normal reaction experience after some of the intensity of the experience dominated time dependent and decays without disturbing consequences.
An abnormal experience of a neurosis reaction is separated mainly by the absence of the subjective experience of malaise in the reaction. The distinction is blurred. Some part of the fatigues, the abnormal event response is classified.
Necessary for the formation of an abnormal response experience is a definite starting point, essentially a special personality attitude, a stronger current or long-lasting experience that leads towards the specificity of personality to the abnormal processing of experience and an appropriate environment, the answer to all this.
Some experience abnormal reactions such as the hysterical are favorable external factors significantly. Depending on the phenomenology main distinction between the hysterical and paranoid experience reactions.
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