Monday, March 7, 2011

Osteoporosis Iv Treatment

Rose Monday ...

Früher hab ich diesen Tag auch gerne zum Flüchten genommen, lag er doch so passend für ein verlängertes Wochenende irgendwo...
Heute waren wir natürlich mittendrin! Mit Käferchen-Töchterlein und Polizisten-Sohnemann, mit den großen Lieblingscousinen und -cousins, mit einigen der Tanten und Onkel und natürlich Oma und Opa gings zum Rosenmontagszug. Und ganz spontan wurde die wenig närrisch aussehende Mutti (=ich) noch mit Kette, Hut und Sonnebrille in ein Blumenmädchen-light verwandelt, da die Kinder doch Bedenken hatten, dass es sonst zu wenig Kamelle geben könnte. Aber die Bedenken waren ganz grundlos: zwei gut gefüllte Taschen sind mit nach Hause gewandert und will satisfy the Naschlust in the coming weeks.

Did I mention that candy from last year still dwell on the kitchen cupboard in the glass? has the same plane, but then again, nobody eats, though we are painfully bent over it and the neighbors weggemopst literally at their feet? Well - yes we can throw behind the latest Halloween uninvited bell push buttons again :-)

How about with you with the chestnuts? If all or eaten but also sorted out?

Foolish Regards Petra

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Much To Install Dvd In Headrests

Why not again Tamara?

the beginning there were only a few substances. A little back and forth for, combined and changed again - then it was clear: black / red, the next bag. Then, quite purposefully began to search for the Isabella section - only there was definitely not where he belonged (Memo to me: Sort sections) . Instead, I Tamara fell into the hands - also a pocket section of joulijo . Finally, it must not always be Isabella, - so why not again Tamara? Said and done. Decorated with pompoms, XL-rickrack and Posamentenborte like me really well.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gpsphone Pokemon Emerald Cheats Master Ball

signs of life & Nähtreffen

After the missing person's pile, I rise now times out of the woodwork. Too many deadlines, too much to do and somehow not enough time for everything - but other's doing fine! :-)))
And I still owe you nor the dissolution of the vote on the date for the Nähtreffen: come out clear is Saturday the 26th March 2011!

I look forward to some known and some new faces! One request I have: please tell me summoned, whether you are definitely here, so I can send you any further information via email and we can tune everything else together!
